Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 1, "Who was my first ship?"

Sorry if it's cliche, but my first ever ship was Usagi and Mamoru. I seriously don't know anyone who dislikes this couple... seriously, I know they're out there but I choose not to acknowledge it. I am even able to look past the age difference because they have so much love between the two of them that it's sometimes a little overwhelmed. The only thing that would make it better would probably be if they were both a little older so that the whole destined to be together for the rest of their life thing wasn't so scary. When I was younger I definitely got super angry whenever Mamoru broke up with Usagi because of the voice that was coming to him in a dream, but as I got older, I totally understood. I'm super excited to watch their love play out in the new Sailor Moon Crystal and will probably fall in love with these two all over again. But I will always miss "meatball head" bring that back please!

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