Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 3 "What’s your current OTP?"

ALL DAY ERRY DAY! Natsu and Lucy. Like this isn't even a question, they are so cute together they just don't even know it, and to me that makes them even cuter together! They have an amazing friendship based on mutual trust and understanding, and they challenge each other, not to mention Happy also loves Lucy, which was super important to me since Happy is such a huge part of Natsu's life. As the manga progresses I can see how they will end up together and I cannot wait to see if I'm right. There has also been an appropriate amount of alluding to their possible relationship which I am a huge fan of since I don't always like when my main ship for the anime gets together right away, with some exceptions, but, it still stands NaLu forever and always! Sorry I'm not sorry NaLi and NErza fans. -Andi

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