Monday, September 22, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 18 "Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship"

The Mindy Project, Danny x Mindy

Another question I don't have an anime pair for. Sorry.

(P.S. Shout out to those of you whose interests crossover like this. I don't know how many of us are actually out there who will binge watch both The Mindy Project and Fairy Tail in one sitting.)

Anyway, back to the ship. Mindy and Danny. Danny and Mindy. They've been so obvious from episode one. Some characters just have the chemistry right off the bat and Danny and Mindy were totally MADE to be endgame. I hate it.

Why? Because Danny is a jerkass jerkface.

He's always been the douchebag character. The kind you can tell was supposed to have a gradual change in heart (and character) over the span of the entire series. I get that. Usually, I even have a soft spot for the Jerkass character type. However, the moment I started doubting them together as a couple was in season two, in an episode entitled, "Danny C is My Personal Trainer." We get this amazing body positive episode wherein Mindy decides that she looks great even without a stick thin figure (not that there's anything wrong with that) and yet...still it's not enough until we get tack on the "validation" from Danny...right at the end.

The big soundbite we get is when he says, "You're a woman and that's good, look like a woman." UGGHHHH. Really? We couldn't just let her love her body because it's her body?

It's supposed to be super positive and reaffirming the beauty of all body types (Don't force yourself to look a certain way only be objectified. Don't lose weight just for some guy.) but all I could do was flash back to episode 1, "You know what would look really great? If you lost 10lbs." Who said that again? Oh, right. Danny

I realize this is kind of a weird moment to make you question a ship. I mean, it's supposed to be a moment where you realize he accepts all her flaws and thinks she's beautiful just as she is, etc. But that's not the case for me. All I see is how much he hasn't really changed, and except for this one instance, you don't see Danny being any less shallow or judgmental. So you see, I don't buy his character development, mostly because there hasn't been any. All that's changed is now he is aware of his feelings toward Mindy.

This ship is ruined for me.

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