Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 14 "How do you feel about Will They/Won't They?"


Okay, so ...I do like it, but mostly it's because sexual tension is fun and exciting and it's a great time while it's happening. However, my problem with this trope is that once the couple actually gets together it's almost always disappointing. Like, there is just no satisfying me. I know, no matter when or where this couple finally hooks up, I'm probably going to be unhappy with the results.

Because we all know the schtick, right?

  1. Sexy dramatic tension
  2. Do they hate each other? Do they love each other? 
  3. Sexy, sexy, cute, cute, sexy, yada yada
  4. They FINALLY get together 
  5. The story loses a lot of it's dramatic tension
  6. You realize the couple is cheesy and weird
  7. Show becomes a lot harder to watch. 

And that's if the couple actually gets it together before the actually conclusion of the whole show. The other option of course is the simultaneous ending-hookup, which you might view as a bit of a cop-out but personally I find it to be (usually) the only palatable choice.

Another concern is that a will-they-won't-they runs the risk of having the story become heavily reliant on the romance. And you guys know how I feel about the show becoming all about the relationship (if you don't, you could say I see it unfavorably, to say the least). Of course, in a story intended for the romance genre, that's kind of the point, so I won't argue with you there. Overall, ships that blossom from a will they/won't they plot device, while they're fun to root for, typically won't be topping any of my OTP lists any time soon.

Will -they-won't they? Example: Nisekoi, Raku x Chitoge
(they're my favorite)

(also, I love her hair) 

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