Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sword Art Online II- Episode 11

After a lot of exposition, we are finally getting down to the meat of the arc, THANK THE LAWD! But seriously, most of the episodes up until about two Saturday's ago were still pleasant to watch, they just we're clearly setting up for the main event. And if they hadn't done proper set up I would still be bitching, but I really enjoy watching the main event, Kirito taking down Death Gun. We all know it's going to happen, but it just hasn't happened yet.

Despite Sinon's warranted break down in the cave, you know because Death Gun's accomplice was in her apartment damn near ready to kill her, which is allowed to happen, but I just loved how fearless her character was and I don't really tend to like when people take an otherwise badass female character, and turn her into a dainty girl, even if it's just for one hot minute.

Finally we're getting some screen time for Kirito's other friends, you know, the one's he left back in ALO so he could make himself some cold hard chedda defeating Death Gun. But yeah, I wish that they could've helped him, but Saguha did make a good point that he was fighting hard to protect them from someone who tormented them in SAO, and I agreed with her, but I still feel creeped out whenever she talks. Gives me the heebie jeebies.

Now, please enjoy these images that I have found and have garnished with my own commentary.

Here we are... chillin in a cave, not romantic at all. Seriously, I got a little nervous, not that I think Kirito would cheat on Asuna, but because he has a bad habit of being super smooth with the ladies, so I keep getting afraid that Sinon is going to fall in love with him. I wish he would just tell her he has Asuna, I mean it wouldn't make sense if he did, but he should. 

I'm actually pretty glad that Asuna finally started doing things, I hate that after the first arc she has kind of gone on a downward spiral of being super useless. She was super badass in SAO, but between ALO and GGO she has either been a damsel in distress or just useless because she didn't know what exactly was going on. I know that Kirito just wants to keep her safe, but I still think it would be pretty cool if she somehow helped him take down death gun. Also, creepy cousin go away. Just sayin. 

You know, I really liked that they made Sinon's character super strong and self assured and did not so much appreciate that she had to have this mental breakdown from the time that she shot that robber guy when she was young. It may be a difficult thing to get over, but I think that she could've found some other way to come to terms with her actions that did not involve a crying into Kirito's chest breakdown. Also, was staring at her ass crack really necessary?? I think not. But you did it anyways didn't you. You nasty pervert (oh Hikaru).

I'm so glad they finally figured out Death Gun's plan, I have been wracking my brain for weeks trying to hammer out the specifics, but honestly nothing came to mind! This explanation was so simple but didn't make me think "seriously guys??? THAT'S how he did it????" So bravo SAO, bravo. 

Overall: not a bad episode, not bad at all, 3.5 out of 5 Andi Buns. I am super excited for this Saturday's episode and you can bet your bottom dollar that I will be tuned in for SAO Saturday at 12:30! Luckily Crunchy Roll gives me a count down so I know exactly how many minutes are left until I can watch this show again :)

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