Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 13 "Has a ship ever broken your heart?"

Yes!!! Haru x Elie: Rave Master

Words cannot describe the emotions that were swimming inside my person when I finally got to this part of Rave Master. There was so much build up to them finally saying I love you but I didn't want Elie to have to destroy Haru in order to save all of humanity. That tore me up inside, I was actually tearing, and that doesn't happen to me all that often, so that's sayin something. **SPOILER ALERT** I know they end up together but it was so heart breaking that not only did she have to use her magic to indirectly destroy Haru, but why did she have to lose her memory?? It did save her from probably the most intense heart break she would ever have experienced, but it just didn't seem fair that if Haru had actually died that she would have absolutely no memory of him. He was such an important part of her life, we got to watch them grow closer and closer together until they were forced to admit their love for each other by Musica and Julia, and I grew to love them so much. But then, in an instant, it was just gone. Etherion destroyed Haru, Elie, and my heart. It was fortunately mended in the final chapter when everyone went to visit Haru's grave one year later and he miraculously appeared exactly as he was the day that Elie had to blast him with Etherion, but I unfortunately couldn't make myself read the last chapter for like an hour after I read the heart breaking one, so I had to live with the pain for an hour before my soul was repaired, and that was not something I was prepared to live with. I think it came as even more of a shock to me because after all the hints that were given off I thought that Elie was going to be the one to die, and that would've wounded my soul too, but Haru's death took me by surprise, and I was really hoping that he would've been able to escape from Endless. I think in the back of my mind I knew it wouldn't happen, but I am forever hopeful whenever it comes to love. So yes, Haru and Elie broke my heart. They broke it real good. 

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