Thursday, September 11, 2014

Andi Watches: The Legend Of Korra Season 2

Now because I'm super amazing at this whole memory thing I thought that it would be time for me to review The Legend of Korra Book 2! Once again, there will be spoilers... I repeat, there will be spoilers, so read at your own risk.

Book 2: Spirits

We start out this season with the horrible fact that Korra and Mako are dating. Sorry, I hate Mako, and I don't think that Korra should be in a relationship, luckily this season we get to see Korra face the issue that she has to accept herself as just Korra as well as being the avatar, but that's not until the end, so she has a lot of mental hurdles that she needs to over come before she can even think of dating anyone, but that's a totally different story.

Korra has been reunited with her family and the rest of her water tribe because of the spirit festival that takes place every year, and we get to meet her uncle Unalaq, a real beaut... just kidding, but no he pretty much hates his brother, aka Korra's father, since he opened the spirit gate in the Northern water tribe and got kicked the f out of there. Claiming that the Southern water tribe was not as in tune with the spirits as they should be he makes it his goal to show Korra how to be the bridge between human and spirits so that they can once again live in harmony.

Eventually, when Korra does her thing where she thinks she's been sheltered and needs someone else to teach her how to be a better avatar, she sides with Unalaq who then takes her to the spirit gates and has her open them, spoiler alert: that's a horrible idea! Throws the whole world out of wack, but I mean what's done is done and all that is left to do is save the world.

I was also really vibin on the whole Tenzin and Jinora conflict since she is more connected to the spirit world than her father and therefore the only one that is able to successfully guide Korra through the spirit world, BOOM, Jinora swag! I seriously loved the story of the first avatar Juan, and his own personal battle with keeping the spirits in harmony with the rest of the world, only for Korra to later find out that she thinks he made a mistake in closing the gates.

However, I would have to say that the most shocking moment in the entire season is when Korra loses her connection to all the past avatars and resets the cycle! LIKE WOW!! I did not see that coming and I loved every minute of it, because that is the one thing that I really love about Korra, that she is so powerful and not afraid to cause change, don't get me wrong I loved Aang, but he was a little too passive for me, I really like a character that is not afraid to make sh*t happen even if the process is scary, but the outcome will be amazing!

Also, the battle between Raava and Vaatu was super epic, just when we thought Korra was done for, BAM Jinora out of left field to give her Raava's spirit, so clutch. And of course Korra was victorious. Not to mention she made the decision to leave the gates open so that spirits could roam freely in the human world and vice versa. Also, a whole new generation of air benders was born and I could not have been more excited for Bumi! Finally he has his own bender powers. But is the city ready for all the change that is about to come about from Korra's epic decision?? Probs not, but that's a different story, actually it's a whole new season, so I'll be talking about it next week.

In conclusion: highlights- Korra's new self awareness that she herself is still an amazing person, the fact that Korra and Mako break up, and Bumi's new bending power. Disappointing parts: Unalaq turns evil, the spirits make a mess of the city, and Jinora almost dies which makes Tenzin super depressed which I did not care for.

But seriously you guys need to watch this show, I cannot say that enough. Stay tuned till next week when I talk about book three: change.

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