Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 2, "Three Most Important Ships Throughout Your Life"

#1 I Choose You

What? I'm going to the grave insisting that this match was meant to be. Look, I know they are cursed to be 10 years old forever, but c'mon! You cannot deny that there were moments! Jeez, even 10 year old me knew there was something going on! Probably my first true ship tease (and maybe first OTP -Ariel).

#2 I Love Glasses/ I Don't Feel Unpleasant

This was the first anime I watched to get me back into anime. The animation is freaking gorgeous, and while the story is short and somewhat unfinished, Akihito and Mirai are so adorable and their stories so heartbreaking that I was full on hooked. I don't care what anyone says. A girl with lethal blood manipulation powers and an immortal half-youma? Both alienated, dangerous, and misunderstood. They are the only ones who can understand each otherakdsjflkasjf. THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT COUPLE OF ALL TIME!

#3 It's More Fun When We're Together

Fairy Tail is one of my favorites among favorites, AND current obsession. Probably the reason they earned a spot on my list is because the story line is so good and the romance isn't anywhere near the main point of the show, which happen to be my favorite kind of stories. Nevertheless, they are perfect, they build each other up, and their best friendship is tiiiiiight, so I still really want them to get together and Nalu will ALWAYS be in my top ten.

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