Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Andi Watches: The Legend of Korra Book One

This week's anime of choice is.... (drum roll please) The Legend of Korra! So as usual we marathoned the sh*t out of that show and were not disappointed. Ps... If you haven't seen it yet, you should, BUT I just wanted to say that there will probably be spoilers, so proceed with caution.

The Legend of Korra follows the new avatar Korra as she struggles to find the perfect balance between being herself and the avatar. Though she starts off as a very capable fighter who has already mastered fire, water, and earth, Korra has thus far been unable to connect to her spiritual side or air bending. Enter Tenzin, Aangs son and Korra's overbearing air master who is not the biggest fan of having fun...

Book One: Air

Not unlike Aang, Korra also has a spirit animal, Naga, a polar bear dog with a keen sense of smell and the ability to whip out a fierce demeanor at a moments notice. And together Korra and Naga journey to Republic City, against Tenzin's wishes (BUT they did manage to get Katara's blessing so that trumps Tenzin), so that Korra may begin her air training. Along the way they manage to meet our first gang of mini villains The Triple Triads, and Korra manages to destroy an entire street to take these guys down, but I mean if she didn't do that then we never would've gotten the distinct pleasure of meeting Lin Beifong who seems less than thrilled to meet Korra, but alas Tenzin saves the day and we are able to feel the sexual tension, well maybe not...

As for the exciting world of Pro Bending! Naturally, Korra is super excited to learn more about it but Tenzin is having none of that and steals the radio from the guards so that she can't even hear what's happening, talk about douche move. Fortunately it is clearly not in Korra's character to follow the rules so she hatches a plan to sneak out and watch. Here she meets the Fire Ferrets, made up of brothers Maco and Bolin and a third rando player who is not having fun because Maco is kind of a huge jerk, until he learns that Korra is the Avatar, then he downgrades to surly and she joins their team.

Following the way a lot of shows seem to go when there is a girl and two guys, obviously both of them will fall in love with the girl, luckily after a harsh rejection Bolin is able to move on from Korra and Maco dates Asame, for now, but I thought that was good because clearly Korra has some identity issues that she needs to take care of before she can even think of dating anyone. Although I also don't think that Maco is good boyfriend material, between the way he treats Asame and the fact that he actually said "wait, I thought you just wanted me to be supportive, now I have to give you my opinion?" like seriously, what even is that? So needless to say, this is probably the one show where I am a fan of the main character ending up alone, but that's probably just me.

Along the way we meet our first antagonist, Amon, a guy who seems to really hate all benders and wants to make sure that no one is able to bend ever again, spoiler alert he uses bending to get rid of bending, weird I know. Any way, since he's evil and all and wants to get rid of benders he's obviously enemy number one for Korra, but so is Tarrlock, an undercover evil guy who wants to use his blood bending powers to get Korra to do whatever he wants pretty much, all so that he can be the most powerful man in the world. Which would've worked if it weren't for those meddlin' kids! Little did we know but Amon and Tarrlock actually happen to be brothers, a fact that Tarrlock is able to figure out when Amon, or should I say Noatak, took his bending powers from him.

After a lot of battles, Maco struggling to find who he wants to date, Bolin basically being shat on, and a lot of people losing their bending ability (including Lin Beifong!!?!??) the season finally comes to a close. The biggest shock would have to be Korra getting her bending taken away too though! Like seriously, I screamed when it happened, granted I'm known to get over emotional, but still it scared the crap out of me. Luckily for all of us Korra fans since she wasn't able to air bend before Amon was not able to block that channel of her bending! (INSERT EXCITED DANCE HERE) So BOOM homes pulls out the air bending to save her man love! Eventually after a very emotional scene where Korra realizes she is not the avatar any more she is able to connect with Aang who not only restores her bending but gives her the power to give all the victims of Amon's handy work their bending abilites back!! And that's how that went!

Have you guys watched Legend of Korra? Did you love it?? Stay tuned next week when I discuss season two, Korra is about to get her spirit fighting on!! Seriously it's super awesome!

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