Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 4, "Who's your NOTP?"

NOTP Mako x Korra

NOTP Mako x Asami

I don't trust anyone with bad eyebrows. Mostly Mako. I mainly don't trust Mako.

 I still think Korra hasn't finished going through her own personal transformation, figuring out who she is, independent of her identity as the Avatar. She'll need to come to terms with who she is before she even thinks about pursuing her romantic endgame (not that she even needs one).

The first two seasons definitely didn't do it for me in terms of romantic pairings. Nothing seemed to fit right and honestly their relationship(s) seemed forced. Plus, Asami kinda got dragged through the mud a lot in their wrongity-wrong, so wrong love triangle, and I believe she deserves way better. 

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm just not down with pointless love triangles and relationship drama. But actually. We ain't got time for this! There's too much at stake and the world needs the Avatar! 

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