Monday, September 15, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 9 "Do you have many ships that never got together at all?"

Pokemon Ash x Misty 

Yeah, yeah I know, they're too young what with being 10 years old and all. But it is still sad that they didn't get together, they would've been super cute. My childhood disappointment in a nutshell, yeah I shipped them when I was like 6, it's all gooooood. 

Toradora! Kitamura x Minori

These two are super weird and I super love it. Is there anything better than mutually weird couples? They got along amazingly and were even able to pull some pranks on Taiga and Ryuuji, not to mention their killer dance moves from the bus station. I will forever hope that they got together in the imaginary continuous world of Toradora, that's a thing right??

 ATLA Zuko x Katara

Sorry Katang fans, I am a loud and proud Zutara fan. They had some serious moments together and I definitely saw them being a dynamite couple, but it probably makes more sense that Katara ended up with Aang. I still hope that they will get together though every time I re-watch this show. 

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