Monday, September 15, 2014

Fairy Tail Episode 199: The Grand Banquet

Overall, as usual, the show followed the manga pretty spot on which is always a plus I really love being able to see that the manga artist has a lot of control over what goes on in the show. And I do really appreciate the lighthearted spirit after probably around the 20ish episodes of super serious emotional term-oil that we were just put through.

Also, just when I thought that I was getting used to the new art style, I saw this episode... and I don't know why but it just looked super different to me. Maybe because everyone was dressed all fancy, so I'm just not used to it, but I can't really complain too much because this new art style is definitely growing on me the more I see it.

Here's a couple of screen shots from the most recent episode of Fairy Tail, I watched it and boy oh boy do I have opinions! Enjoy! Feel free to share any pictures or insights that you may have in the comments below. :)

Once again, Yukino being all cynical... can she just not?? I'm sorry, I just do not like her, she can literally do no right in my eyes. Maybe if she builds a time machine and changes her entire attitude and person... maybe. 

Juvia 2.0! Unfortunately Gray does not acknowledge that he appreciates her new look yet. She does look significantly better than original Juvia though. Seriously an extreme improvement in her hair, sometimes I think she should ditch the hats, sometimes they look cute on her. Like I think that currently her hair goes with hats to a certain extent. Also, I got a little happy when Lyon gave up on Juvia, because now he can fully pursue his love for Gray... which we all know is going to happen. There's not a doubt in my mind. 

I'm not sure if I should be freaked the freak out by Gajeel's creepy face or appreciate that he took the extra effort to dress up. This is probably one of the first big events he's been to where he wasn't completely covered in bandages. Homeboy is fragile as hell... but I still love him!

Don't be hatin' Gray! Gajeel is just tryna look sexy fine for Levy. Clearly she appreciates the way he looks :) Also, Gray's new undies are way more provocative than the old ones, who's a fan and who isn't?? 

If you can't put kitties in your bra then what even is the point? It only works if you have big boobs though, unfortunately, this maneuver is not for everyone. Also, probably don't try this at home... because there is an 84% chance that the cats will claw the absolute sh*t out of your boobs. But if it gets you out of a feud with one of your besties it might be worth it! 

Ohhh this scene! I really love Gajeel and Levy, like actually, they have so much like for each other it's insane and I do like that they're pretty much the only couple that acknowledges their like for each other all the time. But they aren't awkward about it, which is good because animated courtships are awkward enough for me, so I'm glad that they are just sharing cute moments between each other :)

F*cking Natsu, acting like the king. I mean it makes sense but for some reason I thought that he would be sulking until I saw this. Good to know that he was able to quickly get over seeing Lucy die right before his eyes. You really have to appreciate his ability to live in the moment. 

Is it weird that in this scene I thought that Wendy and Gray looked cute together??? I mean don't get me wrong, I will forever love GrayxJuviaxLyon, and I know Wendy is a baby midge mong, but I'm just sayin. Think about it. 

Is it time for a front hug now?? Unfortunately no... there may never be a front hug :( I mean it's not like Natsu just saved his lady love from impending doom or anything. Please by all means just say thank you from afar... with no physical contact, ever. That's exactly what I want. 

Leave it to these guys to actually enjoy having a pumpkin on their heads, seriously, if I learned anything from Dwight K. Shrute, it's that I never want a pumpkin on my head. Ever. It will take weeks for that ish to get off your head. But they do practice magic so it would probably be easier for them to get out of it than it would be for us in the nonmagical world. 

Yeah, this may be one of the cutest things you've seen all day. You're. Welcome. 

Overall this was a good filler episode, I can't really complain too much :) I'm not excited for the next mini arc though... but that's pretty much because Flare is in it. I am freaked the f out by her, not even kidding, I don't trust anyone who is forever tilted to the side. But of course I will watch it... because I'm addicted, it's a sickness. 

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