Wednesday, September 24, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 23 "Which of your ships deserve better writing?"

Don't hate me.

Asuna x Kirito Sword Art Online

I wouldn't say that the writing itself is bad, but I just don't like the way that Asuna's character has been written in the last two arcs. She started out as such a bad ass character, she was able to fight and could take care of herself. She could get herself out of anything, and I really loved that because I love when people write the women characters as OP. And also, I don't like that Kirito feels he has to hide so much from her in GGO because he thinks that's the only way to protect her. I guess it's really more of I think that they need to have personality changes than new writers... but I almost never hate the writing for any anime's that I like, if I did I wouldn't watch them, thus making me not as attached to the characters. So I guess I kind of answered this question wrong. But I thought that I would take this time to air my grievances. Froggy Out!

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