Monday, September 29, 2014

SAO II: Episode 13

Ummmm, what, no, that cannot be okay. Rape?? Seriously dude? You couldn't have tried to win Asada over fair and square??! I think you should've tried. Although he did say that Death Gun is his brother, so maybe rape runs in the family, if so they should find a new hobby. Fo realz tho. I mean I know I should be reviewing the whole episode, but I feel like everything that happened was cancelled out after this ish.

Nerp. That ain't cool brah. Step the F off. I mean I guess that's a little difficult to say when homeboy is holding a syringe that will KILL YOU to your side, but still. Dude, get a hobby other than raping Asada.

It wouldn't make me feel calm at all to see this face. I always knew there was something off about him which one confirmed by my roommate. This boy gave me the heebie jeebies since like the second time I saw him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt the first time we met.

Oh yeah, in case you forgot. This is the face of true terror. I do not recommend staring at it longer than like 5 seconds. Seriously. 

Side note: what the hell Sinon?? He has a girlfriend. Well I guess you don't know that. But he does. And IMO, she's prettier than you. Not to hate on Sinon, I really like her. I'm just not a fan of girls that get to friendly with a taken man. 

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