Monday, September 22, 2014

Is Mamoru Too Old For Usagi?

This Saturday's episode of Sailor Moon was focused around Tuxedo Mask, and it leads me to the age old question, is Mamoru too old for Usagi???

In the original anime series that came out in the 90's I thought he was a little pedo, you know since he was in college and she was in junior high, but after reading the manga and watching Sailor Moon Crystal I have come to a new conclusion. NO HE IS NOT. 

BOOM! Homeboy's in high school. Soooo, under 18 and their relationship is not illegal. That's all I needed. Just for Mamoru to not go to jail if he accidentally grabbed a lil something... but now that I know he wouldn't it's all good. Well I mean it's not ideal, but he's not trolling the junior high schools tryna find a lady, they were destined to be together.  

Cardigan aside, he's not as old as he looks. 

Also, with the new art style all the girls look older anyways. So it's all good brah.