Friday, September 26, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 26 "Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?"

I ship... best friends.

I ship enemies.

I ship polar opposites, mostly.

I ship fire and water. Light and dark.

I ship people who make each other change for the better.

I ship people whose personalities clash.

I ship people who fight each other.

I ship people who fight alongside each other.

I ship strength, but also strong people who show each other their weaknesses.

But overall, I ship tall and short. Short and short. Tall and tall.

I do not discriminatebut...if there's any pattern, it's the one above. What can I say? There's just no topping badass opposites. My ideal pair kicks ass (probably kicks each other's ass) and falls in love along the way. They have supernatural powers, bleed a lot, have passed out in one another's arms at least once, and they most likely aren't cannon, at least not until the very end, and it's most likely due to their inability to see how perfect they are for each other...because they're simply too busy hating the other's guts and/or gunning down bad guys to notice what's right in front of them.
Yeah...*sighs dreamily into the distance* so what does that say about me? Eh, maybe I won't think about it too much.

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