Thursday, September 25, 2014

September Shipping: Tumblr Challenge, Question 24 "Do you mostly ship canon pairings?"

Yes, I've mentioned this several times actually. For me, it's easier to get behind two people who clearly have (1) chemistry and (2) visible proof that they work together as a couple. I like being able to geek out at all the moments that clearly demonstrate how crazy two characters are about each other. I like to go back and re-watch/reread the gross shippy moments that led to the realization that these two are perfect together...the blushes, obvious jealousy, longing side glances with one thinks the other isn't looking, and pretty much any moment that (if set to the right music) would make it its way into a good AMV.

Also, a lot of it has to do with great writing. If the characters are written well, if their personal development and individual story lines match up, it's almost guaranteed that I'm going to ship them. Actually, this last part is a big deal for me because even if two characters have great repartee, but they don't seem like the best fit in other departments (i.e. their life goals don't match up, they haven't finished going through their big character development) then I'm not going to want them to get together until their lives do match up. Clearly it's a delicate balance. And I take fictional relationships waaaay too seriously.

Whatever. Suck it. Great writing > Great Romance.

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