Friday, October 31, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 30

An anime you wish never ended and continued on

Okay, so we all know that all anime's have to end eventually, well except for like One Piece, shit will continue on until after we're all dead. But other than that any anime that you watch has to come to an end because most shows either don't have enough viewers or the writer just feels it's time to put the story to bed. Normal when a show ends, if you're anything like me you go through the same process: denial, re-watching the entire show about 40 times, withdrawals, anger, more anger, and then eventually a new show comes around that sweeps you off your feet. That being said, generally when an anime ends that I feel has run it's course I'm pretty okay with the ending, but it's the ones that you don't expect to end, the one's that just stop after one season, those are the one's that get me. Those are the shows that cause such a rage to quell up inside me that I cannot be consoled, just ask Ariel, she knows all about it. But anywhos, here's a list of shows that I feel didn't get the ending they deserved and should've continued on.

DISCLAIMER: I know all of these had a manga that I could've and did read to get the rest of the story, but that's not the point! I prefer when it is animated in front of me, it makes the experience seem more real! Don't judge!

Fruits Basket

This show, don't even get me started on this show. I LOVE IT! It's literally an amazing anime and manga, but unfortunately halfway through drawing the second season of Fruits Basket, the artist broke his hand and just never finished the series. So we were left with season one as the "end", which let me tell you is not a satisfying end. So moral of the story is, this needs to pull a one piece and come back on air after 10 years, although, the 10 years mark happened in 2012... but still, FINISH THIS! 

Rave Master

If you're surprised to see this on my list then I recommend you read more of our posts because I'm freaking OBSESSED with this show! Second verse same as the first, except Hiro Mashima did not break his hand, there just unfortunately wasn't enough of a following for this show to finish the anime apparently. But SERIOUSLY?!?! I want the rest of Rave Master animated so bad that it hurts. Unfortunately, bad things come to those who wait, meaning that I'll never get to see the rest of this show animated and just have to keep on re-reading the manga over, and over, and over, and over. But I really wanna see the last two chapters animated! I would probably die right there on the spot out of pure happiness. 

Soul Eater

Soul Eater's ending wasn't that good for me. I'm sure there are tons of people out there who were chill with the ending, but I was not one of them. I feel like by the time they got to the ending I had so many questions that they decided to answer by just giving Maka the power of a meister and a weapon, and while that is OP and all, I just feel like there were so many loose ends left untied. NOT COOL GUYS! So I want this show to continue on so as a redemption for the cop out ending they left us with. That is all. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 29

Anime you wished was real. 

There are many answers I could give, and would have given, but then 8 year-old me called, said I was a nerd and then demanded I say Pokémon, we are.

Starter: Eevee (that's right, I'm rival Gary Oak circa Pokémon Yellow, which, is where 8 year-old me got my start on my pink gameboy color way back when. Not that you asked.)

Sidekick: Tracey Mother-Humping Sketchit (Underrated, but he was artsy and had the biggest calves I've ever seen.)

Rival: Obviously, if I'm Gary, then I'm rivaling Ash. I kinda always hated his scratchy little voice anyway. Sure, he had a real gung-ho attitude and a youthful innocence that the pokémon seemed to dig, but every time he opened his stupid mouth some whiny and obnoxious poké-obsessed spiel would come flooding out. Me and Eevee would totally beat his snotty ass to the ground before he could even say, "Aaaauuugghhhh! Pikachuuuuuuu!"

Since there is no femme-Gary, I choose Hilda. I like her. Her look is spunky. Plus, shorts. Much more practical.

Dude would be proud.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 28

Favorite quote from any anime character

Okay, so I included the entire episode for reference just cause I really like Rave Master... if you couldn't tell. But anywho, if you skip to around the 20 minute mark you will hear Sieg Hart say probably the funniest thing I have ever heard. As a matter of fact when I watched in a couple of months ago, I had to replay that part like 20 times and it was HILARIOUS every time. So seriously, watch this ish, you won't regret it, and if you do, we can't be friends!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 27

Most badass scene in any anime character.

You know...I don't have a good answer for this. I don't feel I watch enough anime with a degree in badassery in order to actually come up with a decent example. So instead, I'm going to talk about my current obsession: Akatsuki no Yona also know as Yona of the Dawn

Now I just started watching this anime/reading the manga up to the point where it's no longer actually possible for me to read because I can't decipher the Japanese. However, I am already SUPER PUMPED about the ...*sings* chaaaaaaracter developmentttttt. Oh, you know I love me some super sweet and soft characters who for some reason get thrown into the fray. They struggle, fight, and change and I freak-ing LOVE it. It keeps the blood running through my veins and air in my lungs.

Yona is such a sweet heart, and even though I hated her whiny guts at the beginning, 90(+) chapters later, she is coming into her own.

Like, I cannot wait until this scene gets animated.
(AnY ch. 79) Source:

That's how you make an entrance. Beautiful, sword wielding, archery master, red-headed queen of the world. I don't care what anyone says, she earns her reverse harem. Bow down, bitch. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 26

Best Anime Fight

Goku vs Frieza, "Dragon Ball Z"

Yeah, I'm bringing it back old school y'all. Also, beware: this clip is 4 hours long, but so worth it. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 25

Saddest anime death. 

Anybody who kicked it in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Ugh. Seriously, good guy, bad guy. Whichever you are, you probably broke my heart.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 24

Moment that shocked you most in any anime

Color me shocked to find Toph chillin in a swamp! I for sure thought she was dead, but BAM! There she was! Alive and kickin' not to mention she was still in fighting shape and ready to kick some twinkle toe ass. Needless to say I'm glad she's back, I missed Toph, she was probably my favorite character in Avatar. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 23

Favorite attack someone used in an anime.

Misaka Mikoto's railgun

Yeahhhhh, buddy! I get so PUMPED seeing the ace of Tokiwadai doing her electromaster thang! Ugh! More like electromaster of my freaking heart. It's disgusting how badass she is. In fact, she's so bomb, I'mma post a few more Misaka appreciation pics.

Are you kidding me!?! BAM! I'm such a sucker for female powerhouses, and she literally has one of THE most badass powers out there. Bonus points for being so creative with its applications.

I could just sit here watching this .gifs all day. Jeez, I love this anime.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 22

Favorite weapon, gear or armor used in an anime

Kija from Yona of the Dawn

I know it's a part of him, but I still think that it's pretty cool to get to have dragon features to coincide with your dragon power. So I'm counting this as a weapon because Kija definitely uses his dragon hand to kick ass and take names. So yeah, this is my favorite, oh and watch this anime/read the manga since only like 3 episodes are out, it's soooooo good!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 21

Favorite goofy anime character
Mako Mankanshoku, "Kill La Kill"

Okay, so, turns out yesterday's post was a freakin' NIGHTMARE (see: scary-ass barrage of pics) that is guaranteed to give me the heebie jeebies for the next three years. In hopes I forget all about it and move on like it never happened, I've compiled a post that is really just an ode to Mako Mankanshoku. A true delight and a treasure to the anime world.

Oh, Mako...
How do we love thee?
How do we not?

She is adorable,


Amazingly skilled in combat

She's like that one roommate you had in college that was always inexplicably nude.

Weird, but in the end, always excited to greet you

Aw yee, that's how.
Again. How can you not?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 20

Anime character that gets on your nerves

Akira Midosuji from Yowapeda

I have nothing good to say about this guy. He haunts my nightmares and every time he's on my screen I cringe. I started watching Yowapeda with my boyfriend about a week ago and although I don't hate the show, Midosuji makes it real hard to watch whenever he's on screen, but somehow I power through. 

You can catch faces like these in Yowapeda, and seriously who doesn't want to see this mug?

I know I do. 

It's a wonder he doesn't have a girlfriend or anything. 

Seriously, who drew this guy?? WHY?!?!?!?!

And the thing is, is that they even tried to give him a backstory that would make us feel bad for him, I don't want to spoil anything if you want watch this so I'll leave it at it should be a touching backstory. But unfortunately for Midosuji his ugly mug makes it impossible for me to care about it.

In case you were wondering this is the face Jay Z makes whenever he sees Midosuji on screen.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 18

Best supporting female character

Emi Yusa, "The Devil is a Part Timer"

Emi manages to pull off angry yet misunderstood whilst still being a badass. I really like her character and the fact that she's a strong presence, I always feel like there aren't enough characters that are strong through and through like I feel she is, which is mainly to do with the fact that she can just bust out into hero mode.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 17

Favorite Supporting Male Character

I feel like maybe I accidentally already answered this question, but you know who else I dig? This guy.

Anyone who hasn't been getting their Legend of Korra game on recently needs to rethink their priorities. Love me some Bolin, and he needs some love. Look at that face.

Friday, October 17, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 16

Best Animation.

"Beyond The Boundary"

It's so pretty! Seriously, watch it and you'll see, this animation is amazing and beautiful, AND they even managed to pull off walking without looking silly! LOOOOOOOVE IT!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 15

Your favorite pet, sidekick or summoning from any anime.

Happy, "Fairy Tail"

"Happy's not a pet, sidekick or summoning...he's my friend" -Natsu (close enough)

If you are sick of us talking about Fairy Tail...that sucks. It's gonna keep happening, just so you know. Fact is, Happy is cute as hell and will not be stopped.

Omg, cute.

So cute!

F**king CUTE!

Just to mix things up, I'd like to give a close second place mention to...

Amanojaku, "Ghost Stories"

If you don't know who this is, let me break it down for you: it's a deep sexy baritone voice trapped in the body your dead mother's cat, or ...something. I mean, he's a deadly evil spirit who starts out as the primary antagonist, but 10 seconds in gets turned into a cat. I kind of feel bad for him. Kinda, since all he does in his cat form is drop shade and snarky comments, he has no power to do any real damage. Sooo...I guess he's just like a regular cat then. Still pretty cute though.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

30 Day Anime Challege Day 14

Anime that never gets old no matter how many times you re-watch it: 

Fairy Tail! 

Yeah, this is my answer for a lot of things... sorry, it's just such a great show. #noshame

Sunday, October 12, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 11

Favorite Mech Anime

"Neon Genesis Evangelion"

Gah! Sorry, once again. We don't watch many mecha anime either. Or...any. Literally, the only one I've ever seen is Neon Genesis Evangelion. I mean, still, it is the embodiment of greatness. It definitely earns its rank as potentially my favorite mecha anime ever (if I ever get around to watching more), AND despite the fact that I'm not exactly savvy in this machine-dominated genre, you can't deny the great story, the aliens, the "robots", destructive romance, intense self-hatred and/or father complexes. NGE is the tits ...even if the voice of Asuka Langley Soryu in the English dub makes me want to gouge my own eyes out with a plastic spork.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

30 Day Anime Challenge Day 10

Favorite Fighter Anime

Fairy Tail!

Yeah, I don't really watch too many fighter anime's, I'm more of a girly girl when it comes to my anime preferences, but yeah, this one is my favorite that I have seen so far :)