Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bros Before.... Ladies

This weeks BROTP goes out to Aang and Zuko! Hey, they may have started out as mortal enemies but don't the best friendships always start with, "Hey remember that time I tried to kill you?? Well let's be bros now!", no? That's just me? Well whatever I still love their friendship.  Not to mention we're definitely fans of a good bro love over here.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

My Love Knows No Bounds... Musica

After re-reading Rave Master countless times this weekend, I learned one thing, my love for Musica knows no bounds. Literally, I can't stop. He has the sickest burns, is super smooth with the ladies, has badass silver claimer powers, and is a true bro/excellent wingman.

The script from Rave Master anime is gold, for real tho, I am not sorry I watched it even though every time I watch it I wish there were more. But it's killer lines "Where did you learn silver claiming" "The instructions were on the inside of a cereal box!" that fuel my love for Musica even more! Not to mention how much I loved his 5 second relationship with Reina. If she hadn't been killed I think that they would've had a very successful relationship, but alas, we learned she actually had good intentions and a hidden heart of gold as well as a firey personality that would've really complimented Musica, however, if they dated we may not have gotten the gem of the scene where he stole Nagisa's bra?? Probs wouldn't have been able to live without that. 

Now, his silver alchemy? Pretty awesome, I know that in the grand scheme of things gold claiming is higher than silver, but I think he proved that he's super powerful time and time again, not to mention when he fought with Reina and was able to do gold claiming, it just seriously injures him, sooo less than ideal. But I'm just sayin', he could do it. And let's all remember when he used every last ounce of his strength and magic to create Ravelt for Haru which included HIS SOUL! So much bro love and I am a huge fan of it. 

And I think one of my favorite qualities of his, is his true bro mentality and the vital role he played in getting Haru to admit his love for Elie because he's a killer wingman. 

Seriously, Musica, what can't you do? Despite his rough and tumble background, he still has amazing loyalty to his friends, his fiery determination cannot be tamed and he has a booty that just wont quit.. well, maybe not that one, but I think you get the point. Words cannot express my love for Musica, and I could probably go on and on forever about his glory. If you don't know who he is, learn about him. Love him. Then come back and converse with me. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014


So.... I JUST FREAKIN FINISHED RAVE MASTER! Like what?? Why did I wait so long to read this manga??? I mean I may have only been 5 when it came out but still, I was reading back then! MIND BLOWN. Loved it. All I have to say for right now is... can I get a reboot anime?? Amiright?? More thoughts and words will come later but if you'll excuse me I have to go re-read the ending approximately 57 more times!! PS: we gotta convince Ariel to finish it... but actually.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

WTF Wednesday: Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off"

A lot of things are happening here. I mean, you're doing everything everyone tells you not to do, and we'd be more concerned's just so damn catchy.

(Kudos for being able to laugh at yourself, T. Swizzlebiscuit. Annnd I just downloaded it. Dammit)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Episode 4

We were all lucky enough this Saturday to get a little bit of Sailor Moon in our life and this weeks episode definitely did not disappoint, this was one of my personal favorites in the original series, so needless to say I was pretty excited to see it updated. 

Luckily this time around Ami and Rei got to go along for the ride, if you'll recall in the Sailor Moon from the 90's, they did not exactly get to go with her and enjoy the party, they had to come later once Usagi had surveyed the area. At least this go round they weren't party crashers, no one wants any of that business. But also, can we talk about Ami's dress?? Not exactly something I would want to wear to a ball, but hey, I've never been to one so I guess I can't really judge. 

And now for the rounds, after successfully dodging her dad, Usagi attempts to find food and then a hottie, in that order, poor planning in my opinion. What happens if you eat too much and then when the hottie asks for a dance you can't even eat because you're stuffed to the brim, then you miss out on possibly dancing with Mamoru! Not ideal, but don't worry, Mamoru finds her before she gets to the food, so it all works out.

It wasn't exactly clear in Crystal, but although their dance was lovely, it ended abruptly because Mamoru seemed to remember dancing with the Moon Princess, so obviously he had to flee, thus leaving Usagi high and dry. But luckily, she never gives up hope. It's also lucky that Mamoru just happens to have tuxedos laying around his apartment for just such the occasion. 

Once again the laws of physics do not apply to Anime, I'm just sayin, they should've broken something... 

Looks like someone got left out of the Long Hair Club, sorry Jadeite, but not as sorry as I am that we probably won't get to see your face covering the night sky. 

If you're anything like Ariel, then this scene made you uncomfortable as hell because Usagi was straight napping when Mamoru comes up to kiss her. But T-blocker Luna interrupts the kiss and asks Tuxedo Mask whether he's friend or foe, but unfortunately he's not sure. I think we all know the answer... but unfortunately no matter how much we scream at the screen he just cannot hear us, he'll find out sooner or later though :). 

Yet another glorious escape by Tuxedo Mask, after a hard day of throwing roses, home boy needs to go home and take a snooze. At least he was able to remind Sailor Moon about her tiara, or else she would've looked funny without one amiright?

If only I had my own crystal that was a perfect replica of my image, that is the dream. I mean even the jewelry is accurate. And to think the Negaverse almost got away with it, luckily they're all bumbling fools who can't properly execute a plan. 

Something to look forward to next time, the introduction of Makoto or Sailor Jupiter, one of my favorite sailor scouts because of her badass powers. I cannot wait to see her transformation, and fingers crossed she's still as thirsty as ever. 

Let's all stay tuned for the first Saturday of next month when we meet Makoto, and hopefully we'll get a little more of this action. I have to say, I'm really glad that even with all the updates that were made to the series, they kept the swirly glasses because he would not have been the same with out those beauties. Let's all keep watching this show together and enjoy reliving our childhood memories!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Minecraft Xbox One, PS4, PS Vita Update: Everyone Still Making Vague Statements About When It Might Come Out

This just in: Minecraft for PS4 and Xbox One still not out.
Does anybody know when the hell it's going to be released?

I really wanna play.

Yada, yada, yada. It's tested, bugs getting fixed, basic information, etc. I'm going to fork over approximately whatever you want to charge ($19.99) sometime this month (we think).

Give me a release date, mofo.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

REVIEW: Fairy Tail Ch. 396

So this week’s Fairy Tail...Well, well, well, WHAT do we have here?

A little GAJEEL getting some time in the spotlight?

A little more focus on one subplot at a time thankyouverymuch?

A little more--oh, hold on.



A little- !!!!


First of all, let me start by saying that this arc has been amazing at freely handing out badass moments. We got your Wendy in dragon force, your Aquarius-powered Lucy, your demon slayer Gray, killer Juvia AND now Gajeel! And I’m so stoked because we don’t actually get to see Juvia or Gajeel handing out asses that often--even though their respective magical powers are absolutely NOT forces you want to reckon with-- and Wendy and Lucy always seem to get the short distressed damsel-y end of the stick fighting wise. And then Gray is, well, he has a habit of only being useful when it’s convenient. That’s why I’m so jazzed every time a new chapter comes out, I can’t wait to see who’s about to dole out some crazily, overly destructive justice every week. And this time it’s ALL. ABOUT. GAJEEL.

Gajeel, my love, my dear, my main man. Gajeel does not get enough screen time in my opinion. And why not? His hair too glorious for you? (Never) His iron-shadow dragon powers too hardcore for you? (No way) Are his mad guitar skills too much? (Maybe). I get so frustrated when people forget about him. For one, I will go down insisting that he is every bit Natsu’s equal in power, but because he’s not the main character, we don’t get to see his daily adventures spotlighted in the same way. And I’ll say it right now. Iron-Shadow is ten times more metal than Fire-Lighting.

(It’s a pun.)

From the loner, brutalizing ‘blacksteel’ torturer in Phantom Lord, to the guy who’d rather bust out a steel guitar, willingly act as a human lightning rod for his friends, his ladylove, and find a flying kittycat pal to call his own, dude’s changed so much and will always have so much potential.

And then there’s Gajeel and Levy. Yes. Love it. Awesome. Yes. I can only assume that prior to this chapter, what we lovely and diligent readers weren’t privy to, was the background development wherein Levy can be detected just out of reach of the periphery swinging from tree to tree, lurking in hedges and various shrubbery casually watching her man work. Clearly, since that’s the only way that she could have been close enough to hear him scream out in peril and rush over to save him just in time. That or because of “dragon lungs” or “true love,” yada yada. Not that I don’t totally eat it up.

With this one panel, nope, one chapter, all the FT! Gajevy shippers exploded. It’ll probably take at least a week to clean this mess up, so thanks for that, Mashima. I’ll get the mop.

And BOOM! Look at this! Just look at this. I mean are you seeing this? I’m seeing this and it’s exciting, I love it, things are happening and we are moving along quickly.  

ANYWAY I guess the next question is: Where are we going to go from here?
Natsu is down, Lucy is down, Juvia is down, Levy is down AND presumably they’ve all swallowed the lethal black water.

Next Week's Predictions?

Andi predicts: Next week Gajeel is ‘bout to whoop some booty and probably going to see more of Minerva’s cooking because that’s super important. Also, I’d be cool if Lucy and Levy got to do some fighting or something together now that they’re in the same place, and juvia’s going to be a fifth wheel. As usual.

Ariel predicts: I’d love to see Gajeel go into dragon force, FOR ONCE. I doubt they’ll let him get much face time in the Boss Battle, which is a shame because his final dragon form is probably banging, so if he’s gonna power up it should be sooner rather than later. Plus if this is anything like Gray, Lucy, and Juvia’s spotlight’s we’ll remain focused on Gajeel dealing strictly with his demon matchup, and only then will they get to the everyone’s-submerged-in-lethal-liquid-and-probably-on-the-verge-of-death-again minor detail.

What We Watch Wednesday: Rosario + Vampire

This week we started watching Rosario + Vampire and luckily, thanks to our superior binge watching ability we were able to watch the whole thing in one day. Normally I'm not really that into vampire shows, books, or movies, but this one was able to hold my interest the entire series because of the weirdness and for some reason I have a hard time saying no to weird shows (hello Toradora), the only thing it is missing is the third season which is sadly missing because of not enough fan following unfortunately.

The first person we are introduced to is Tsukune, the male protagonist who is really below average on when it comes to his intelligence, we know this because of his inability to pass his high school entrance exams. But it seems to all turn around for him when his dad finds some other kid's high school entrance packet and they pass it off as Tsukune's because apparently that works in this world... but it's whatever right? Anyways, on his way to school he gets on a pretty sketchy bus with an even more sketch driver and doesn't think anything of it.... also, he's the only one on the bus, but I mean that's normal I guess and I'm not even going to get into the creepiness that took place when he was getting off the bus, but let's just say if I saw a bus driver do something creepy with his eyes like that, well I would probably get off the bus so I guess he did the right thing.

Shortly after we are introduced to Moka our female protagonist who happens to be an extremely powerful S-Class vampire, enter the crazy amount of underwear shots. Then boom, insta besties, but don't worry he does not get friend-zoned, luckily. Since she has never had any luck making friends in the past she loves that Tsukune is super on board with being her friend immediately after meeting her. But she has a bit of a split personality issue, not in a creepy 'I'm gonna get you' sort of way but in a she has to wear a special rosary that seals away her true powers so that she is better able to control her powers, which is kind of crap I think she should just get to be badass all the time. The inner Moka is a super hard core vampire that can beat anyone into a pulp in under 90 seconds, luckily there is a little bat that let's us know exactly how long each fight is (thanks Jerry Jewel). Because I love spoilers, I know that eventually the two will merge, conveniently for Tsukune so that he doesn't have to choose one, and I was looking forward to seeing that but I can just read about it in the manga. Out of the two I definitely prefer inner Moka, but that's just because I love me a good badass girl fighter since there is not a lot of them out there, but the outer Moka definitely has her merits too, for example, she does not greet everyone she sees with a swift kick to the face.

However, the most disturbing intros have to be when we meet his harem of women, Kurumu, Yukari, Mizore, and Rubi who are all instantly in love with him, with the exception of Yukari, but she warms up to him within the day. And I'm not a good judge of which anime men are hunky, but I just don't find him to be a tasty treat and also, I think he's a bit of weenie for so many girls to be thinking he's the best guy out there since like Chris Pine. Although he does have the very highly regarded compassion that attracts a lot of girls and I do like a lot of the qualities that Tsukune has, but I think that he would be the kind of guy that you just hung out with so much that you eventually found yourself liking him, not the kind of guy that you instantly fall in love with.

But nonetheless they are a pretty solid friend group and the cat fights do provide me with a lot of laughs, not to mention their parents are even more hilarious then they are especially when they fight over Tsukune. I still don't understand why they still kept on hoping that he would eventually abandon all his feelings for Moka and pick one of them, but if they didn't think that then none of them would be friends and we all love us a good friendship :).

The story really progresses when the headmaster finds out that Tsukune is a human, and all monsters hate humans so clearly he has to go. So there the headmaster is, beating the crap out of him while his women fight for his honor unsuccessfully and he eventually gets burned to crisp and is down for the count. But just in the nick of time inner Moka is able to inject him with some of her blood which over time is supposed to turn him into a modified human, but we don't really get to see a whole lot of that happen because the series didn't exactly get to finish.

Later we meet Kokoa, Moka's half sister who has tasked herself with the life goal of getting her old sister back and ridding the world of the wimpy outer Moka. But... the thing is, Moka is not her only sister, so it seems like she kind of doesn't care at all about her other two sisters and only wants to be with Moka, so that's why I have to read the manga because if she's so obsessed with the super intense and strong inner Moka the other two sisters must be wimpy or something that would make Kokoa not even wanna interact with them. However, we cannot forget about her best quality, her little companion, Jerry Jewel... well as a bat, but still Jerry Jewel does an amazing job disguising his voice. But that still isn't as great as when he takes on a human form, which of course comes with a b-e-a-utiful song and dance "Je Temme" which he uses to seduce the women and gets them to be his own personal army of hotties. But seriously, if you're on the edge for deciding whether or not to watch it, you need to just for this song, it's perfect... unless you hate Jerry Jewel, or singing, in which case, I hate you.

We finish the show on an unfulfilled note, most likely because the series didn't technically finish... sad, but it did have a pretty good battle scene where we saw a little taste of the new powers that Tsukune is gaining when he battles Moka's father to get back her other personality, because he's not ready to choose between the two Moka's... total cop out but what are you gonna do, probs complain about it over the internet like I do. Unfortunately since the show abruptly ended we won't be able to see the animated version of Tsukune changing from regular human, to modified, to full on vampire, but that's where the manga comes in handy, so that I can get my fill and see his super cool powers develop like I hoped would happen in the show. Who knows, maybe if we hope hard enough, the anime gods will hear our prayers and finish off the show, after all shows have come back after longer than a six year hiatus before ;).

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Tortoise and The Hare

Fairy Tail seems to weirdly reference the tortoise and the hare an awful lot for there to not be anything going on there, not to mention that Mashima never introduces something into his work that he doesn't fully intend on bringing back up later. That being said, Ariel and I were talking today about where we thought the manga is going to go as far as the final arc and we would be pretty excited to see the tortoise and the hare trope come up again at the very end to represent Natsu and Lucy, Natsu being the hare and Lucy being the tortoise. 

Since we all know that Natsu and Lucy are going to end up together because they are the cutest, but I digress, I think it would be pretty awesome if the final battle were between the two of them. A lot of people think that Lucy's magic is not comparable to Natsu's because he dominates most of the boss battles and not to mention the fact that everyone reveres dragon slayer magic as being on a completely new level from all other magic, but I do think that we are all overlooking Lucy and her developing abilities, most of the wizards in Fairy Tail have been practicing their magic on pretty intense levels since they were super young and therefore it makes sense that their magic is all at a certain level for their age. But we have to remember that Lucy didn't get to truly start developing her magic skills until she was 17 when she ran away from home and started living on her own, not to mention that celestial spirit magic is still a mystery to most people especially since all of the celestial spirit wizards were taken out in the Starry Sky arc with the exception of Lucy and Yukino and so no one really knows just what celestial spirit magic is capable of. 

This brings me to our theory, the idea that Natsu (the hare) will eventually have to battle Lucy (the tortoise) in the final arc of Fairy Tail, or possibly at the end of the Tartaros arc, but then we would have to deal with the whole Gray ice demon slayer magic thing and that is a different story for a different time. But in keeping with the tortoise and the hare trope, and if we acknowledge Lucy as the tortoise, her powers may have developed slower but they will eventually catch up to everyone else and be able to reach her full potential in order to possibly surpass even Natsu who was able to develop his power rather quickly by being forced to fight so many strong bosses, while Lucy's has had to develop slower because she generally hangs back and lets others take care of the enemies unless it is absolutely necessary that she be the one who handles the fights. 

We were able to see in "Surfing Lucy" she does have the ability to hold her own against powerful enemies when she needs to save her friends, and obviously her magic ability can only go up from here. But anyways, I think it would be a perfect way to end the series having the two face off against each other in one ultimate battle, but of course by "defeating" Natsu, she is really just helping him to realize that he loves Fairy Tail and help him become unpossessed so that the two of them will be able to fight together to take down the final enemy. But that's just one thought and we still have tons of theories as to what we think will happen over the course of the manga. If you have any opinions on where you think the manga is going be sure to let us know and we can have conversations about this especially since we're always down to talk about Fairy Tail!! Talk to you guys later.