Wednesday, August 13, 2014

REVIEW: Fairy Tail Ch. 396

So this week’s Fairy Tail...Well, well, well, WHAT do we have here?

A little GAJEEL getting some time in the spotlight?

A little more focus on one subplot at a time thankyouverymuch?

A little more--oh, hold on.



A little- !!!!


First of all, let me start by saying that this arc has been amazing at freely handing out badass moments. We got your Wendy in dragon force, your Aquarius-powered Lucy, your demon slayer Gray, killer Juvia AND now Gajeel! And I’m so stoked because we don’t actually get to see Juvia or Gajeel handing out asses that often--even though their respective magical powers are absolutely NOT forces you want to reckon with-- and Wendy and Lucy always seem to get the short distressed damsel-y end of the stick fighting wise. And then Gray is, well, he has a habit of only being useful when it’s convenient. That’s why I’m so jazzed every time a new chapter comes out, I can’t wait to see who’s about to dole out some crazily, overly destructive justice every week. And this time it’s ALL. ABOUT. GAJEEL.

Gajeel, my love, my dear, my main man. Gajeel does not get enough screen time in my opinion. And why not? His hair too glorious for you? (Never) His iron-shadow dragon powers too hardcore for you? (No way) Are his mad guitar skills too much? (Maybe). I get so frustrated when people forget about him. For one, I will go down insisting that he is every bit Natsu’s equal in power, but because he’s not the main character, we don’t get to see his daily adventures spotlighted in the same way. And I’ll say it right now. Iron-Shadow is ten times more metal than Fire-Lighting.

(It’s a pun.)

From the loner, brutalizing ‘blacksteel’ torturer in Phantom Lord, to the guy who’d rather bust out a steel guitar, willingly act as a human lightning rod for his friends, his ladylove, and find a flying kittycat pal to call his own, dude’s changed so much and will always have so much potential.

And then there’s Gajeel and Levy. Yes. Love it. Awesome. Yes. I can only assume that prior to this chapter, what we lovely and diligent readers weren’t privy to, was the background development wherein Levy can be detected just out of reach of the periphery swinging from tree to tree, lurking in hedges and various shrubbery casually watching her man work. Clearly, since that’s the only way that she could have been close enough to hear him scream out in peril and rush over to save him just in time. That or because of “dragon lungs” or “true love,” yada yada. Not that I don’t totally eat it up.

With this one panel, nope, one chapter, all the FT! Gajevy shippers exploded. It’ll probably take at least a week to clean this mess up, so thanks for that, Mashima. I’ll get the mop.

And BOOM! Look at this! Just look at this. I mean are you seeing this? I’m seeing this and it’s exciting, I love it, things are happening and we are moving along quickly.  

ANYWAY I guess the next question is: Where are we going to go from here?
Natsu is down, Lucy is down, Juvia is down, Levy is down AND presumably they’ve all swallowed the lethal black water.

Next Week's Predictions?

Andi predicts: Next week Gajeel is ‘bout to whoop some booty and probably going to see more of Minerva’s cooking because that’s super important. Also, I’d be cool if Lucy and Levy got to do some fighting or something together now that they’re in the same place, and juvia’s going to be a fifth wheel. As usual.

Ariel predicts: I’d love to see Gajeel go into dragon force, FOR ONCE. I doubt they’ll let him get much face time in the Boss Battle, which is a shame because his final dragon form is probably banging, so if he’s gonna power up it should be sooner rather than later. Plus if this is anything like Gray, Lucy, and Juvia’s spotlight’s we’ll remain focused on Gajeel dealing strictly with his demon matchup, and only then will they get to the everyone’s-submerged-in-lethal-liquid-and-probably-on-the-verge-of-death-again minor detail.

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