Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: Episode 4

We were all lucky enough this Saturday to get a little bit of Sailor Moon in our life and this weeks episode definitely did not disappoint, this was one of my personal favorites in the original series, so needless to say I was pretty excited to see it updated. 

Luckily this time around Ami and Rei got to go along for the ride, if you'll recall in the Sailor Moon from the 90's, they did not exactly get to go with her and enjoy the party, they had to come later once Usagi had surveyed the area. At least this go round they weren't party crashers, no one wants any of that business. But also, can we talk about Ami's dress?? Not exactly something I would want to wear to a ball, but hey, I've never been to one so I guess I can't really judge. 

And now for the rounds, after successfully dodging her dad, Usagi attempts to find food and then a hottie, in that order, poor planning in my opinion. What happens if you eat too much and then when the hottie asks for a dance you can't even eat because you're stuffed to the brim, then you miss out on possibly dancing with Mamoru! Not ideal, but don't worry, Mamoru finds her before she gets to the food, so it all works out.

It wasn't exactly clear in Crystal, but although their dance was lovely, it ended abruptly because Mamoru seemed to remember dancing with the Moon Princess, so obviously he had to flee, thus leaving Usagi high and dry. But luckily, she never gives up hope. It's also lucky that Mamoru just happens to have tuxedos laying around his apartment for just such the occasion. 

Once again the laws of physics do not apply to Anime, I'm just sayin, they should've broken something... 

Looks like someone got left out of the Long Hair Club, sorry Jadeite, but not as sorry as I am that we probably won't get to see your face covering the night sky. 

If you're anything like Ariel, then this scene made you uncomfortable as hell because Usagi was straight napping when Mamoru comes up to kiss her. But T-blocker Luna interrupts the kiss and asks Tuxedo Mask whether he's friend or foe, but unfortunately he's not sure. I think we all know the answer... but unfortunately no matter how much we scream at the screen he just cannot hear us, he'll find out sooner or later though :). 

Yet another glorious escape by Tuxedo Mask, after a hard day of throwing roses, home boy needs to go home and take a snooze. At least he was able to remind Sailor Moon about her tiara, or else she would've looked funny without one amiright?

If only I had my own crystal that was a perfect replica of my image, that is the dream. I mean even the jewelry is accurate. And to think the Negaverse almost got away with it, luckily they're all bumbling fools who can't properly execute a plan. 

Something to look forward to next time, the introduction of Makoto or Sailor Jupiter, one of my favorite sailor scouts because of her badass powers. I cannot wait to see her transformation, and fingers crossed she's still as thirsty as ever. 

Let's all stay tuned for the first Saturday of next month when we meet Makoto, and hopefully we'll get a little more of this action. I have to say, I'm really glad that even with all the updates that were made to the series, they kept the swirly glasses because he would not have been the same with out those beauties. Let's all keep watching this show together and enjoy reliving our childhood memories!!

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