Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What We Watch Wednesday: Rosario + Vampire

This week we started watching Rosario + Vampire and luckily, thanks to our superior binge watching ability we were able to watch the whole thing in one day. Normally I'm not really that into vampire shows, books, or movies, but this one was able to hold my interest the entire series because of the weirdness and for some reason I have a hard time saying no to weird shows (hello Toradora), the only thing it is missing is the third season which is sadly missing because of not enough fan following unfortunately.

The first person we are introduced to is Tsukune, the male protagonist who is really below average on when it comes to his intelligence, we know this because of his inability to pass his high school entrance exams. But it seems to all turn around for him when his dad finds some other kid's high school entrance packet and they pass it off as Tsukune's because apparently that works in this world... but it's whatever right? Anyways, on his way to school he gets on a pretty sketchy bus with an even more sketch driver and doesn't think anything of it.... also, he's the only one on the bus, but I mean that's normal I guess and I'm not even going to get into the creepiness that took place when he was getting off the bus, but let's just say if I saw a bus driver do something creepy with his eyes like that, well I would probably get off the bus so I guess he did the right thing.

Shortly after we are introduced to Moka our female protagonist who happens to be an extremely powerful S-Class vampire, enter the crazy amount of underwear shots. Then boom, insta besties, but don't worry he does not get friend-zoned, luckily. Since she has never had any luck making friends in the past she loves that Tsukune is super on board with being her friend immediately after meeting her. But she has a bit of a split personality issue, not in a creepy 'I'm gonna get you' sort of way but in a she has to wear a special rosary that seals away her true powers so that she is better able to control her powers, which is kind of crap I think she should just get to be badass all the time. The inner Moka is a super hard core vampire that can beat anyone into a pulp in under 90 seconds, luckily there is a little bat that let's us know exactly how long each fight is (thanks Jerry Jewel). Because I love spoilers, I know that eventually the two will merge, conveniently for Tsukune so that he doesn't have to choose one, and I was looking forward to seeing that but I can just read about it in the manga. Out of the two I definitely prefer inner Moka, but that's just because I love me a good badass girl fighter since there is not a lot of them out there, but the outer Moka definitely has her merits too, for example, she does not greet everyone she sees with a swift kick to the face.

However, the most disturbing intros have to be when we meet his harem of women, Kurumu, Yukari, Mizore, and Rubi who are all instantly in love with him, with the exception of Yukari, but she warms up to him within the day. And I'm not a good judge of which anime men are hunky, but I just don't find him to be a tasty treat and also, I think he's a bit of weenie for so many girls to be thinking he's the best guy out there since like Chris Pine. Although he does have the very highly regarded compassion that attracts a lot of girls and I do like a lot of the qualities that Tsukune has, but I think that he would be the kind of guy that you just hung out with so much that you eventually found yourself liking him, not the kind of guy that you instantly fall in love with.

But nonetheless they are a pretty solid friend group and the cat fights do provide me with a lot of laughs, not to mention their parents are even more hilarious then they are especially when they fight over Tsukune. I still don't understand why they still kept on hoping that he would eventually abandon all his feelings for Moka and pick one of them, but if they didn't think that then none of them would be friends and we all love us a good friendship :).

The story really progresses when the headmaster finds out that Tsukune is a human, and all monsters hate humans so clearly he has to go. So there the headmaster is, beating the crap out of him while his women fight for his honor unsuccessfully and he eventually gets burned to crisp and is down for the count. But just in the nick of time inner Moka is able to inject him with some of her blood which over time is supposed to turn him into a modified human, but we don't really get to see a whole lot of that happen because the series didn't exactly get to finish.

Later we meet Kokoa, Moka's half sister who has tasked herself with the life goal of getting her old sister back and ridding the world of the wimpy outer Moka. But... the thing is, Moka is not her only sister, so it seems like she kind of doesn't care at all about her other two sisters and only wants to be with Moka, so that's why I have to read the manga because if she's so obsessed with the super intense and strong inner Moka the other two sisters must be wimpy or something that would make Kokoa not even wanna interact with them. However, we cannot forget about her best quality, her little companion, Jerry Jewel... well as a bat, but still Jerry Jewel does an amazing job disguising his voice. But that still isn't as great as when he takes on a human form, which of course comes with a b-e-a-utiful song and dance "Je Temme" which he uses to seduce the women and gets them to be his own personal army of hotties. But seriously, if you're on the edge for deciding whether or not to watch it, you need to just for this song, it's perfect... unless you hate Jerry Jewel, or singing, in which case, I hate you.

We finish the show on an unfulfilled note, most likely because the series didn't technically finish... sad, but it did have a pretty good battle scene where we saw a little taste of the new powers that Tsukune is gaining when he battles Moka's father to get back her other personality, because he's not ready to choose between the two Moka's... total cop out but what are you gonna do, probs complain about it over the internet like I do. Unfortunately since the show abruptly ended we won't be able to see the animated version of Tsukune changing from regular human, to modified, to full on vampire, but that's where the manga comes in handy, so that I can get my fill and see his super cool powers develop like I hoped would happen in the show. Who knows, maybe if we hope hard enough, the anime gods will hear our prayers and finish off the show, after all shows have come back after longer than a six year hiatus before ;).

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