Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Tortoise and The Hare

Fairy Tail seems to weirdly reference the tortoise and the hare an awful lot for there to not be anything going on there, not to mention that Mashima never introduces something into his work that he doesn't fully intend on bringing back up later. That being said, Ariel and I were talking today about where we thought the manga is going to go as far as the final arc and we would be pretty excited to see the tortoise and the hare trope come up again at the very end to represent Natsu and Lucy, Natsu being the hare and Lucy being the tortoise. 

Since we all know that Natsu and Lucy are going to end up together because they are the cutest, but I digress, I think it would be pretty awesome if the final battle were between the two of them. A lot of people think that Lucy's magic is not comparable to Natsu's because he dominates most of the boss battles and not to mention the fact that everyone reveres dragon slayer magic as being on a completely new level from all other magic, but I do think that we are all overlooking Lucy and her developing abilities, most of the wizards in Fairy Tail have been practicing their magic on pretty intense levels since they were super young and therefore it makes sense that their magic is all at a certain level for their age. But we have to remember that Lucy didn't get to truly start developing her magic skills until she was 17 when she ran away from home and started living on her own, not to mention that celestial spirit magic is still a mystery to most people especially since all of the celestial spirit wizards were taken out in the Starry Sky arc with the exception of Lucy and Yukino and so no one really knows just what celestial spirit magic is capable of. 

This brings me to our theory, the idea that Natsu (the hare) will eventually have to battle Lucy (the tortoise) in the final arc of Fairy Tail, or possibly at the end of the Tartaros arc, but then we would have to deal with the whole Gray ice demon slayer magic thing and that is a different story for a different time. But in keeping with the tortoise and the hare trope, and if we acknowledge Lucy as the tortoise, her powers may have developed slower but they will eventually catch up to everyone else and be able to reach her full potential in order to possibly surpass even Natsu who was able to develop his power rather quickly by being forced to fight so many strong bosses, while Lucy's has had to develop slower because she generally hangs back and lets others take care of the enemies unless it is absolutely necessary that she be the one who handles the fights. 

We were able to see in "Surfing Lucy" she does have the ability to hold her own against powerful enemies when she needs to save her friends, and obviously her magic ability can only go up from here. But anyways, I think it would be a perfect way to end the series having the two face off against each other in one ultimate battle, but of course by "defeating" Natsu, she is really just helping him to realize that he loves Fairy Tail and help him become unpossessed so that the two of them will be able to fight together to take down the final enemy. But that's just one thought and we still have tons of theories as to what we think will happen over the course of the manga. If you have any opinions on where you think the manga is going be sure to let us know and we can have conversations about this especially since we're always down to talk about Fairy Tail!! Talk to you guys later. 

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