Thursday, February 26, 2015

First Impressions: Kill La Kill

I started Kill La Kill today, and even though I haven't gotten the chance to finish it quite yet, I thought I'd share my first impressions with you since I have seen about five episodes at this point. I think the best way to sum up what I've seen so far is through gifs. Because pictures do not do it justice, and since it would be ridiculous to just post all the episodes on here, I'll give you the next best thing. 

So we start off with our main character Ryuko, a girl who has been going around to schools and starting fights so that she can learn who killed her father and find the missing half of her scissor blade. But she finally comes across Honnoji Academy, and meets the Empress, Satsuki, who she immediately has beef with, but I mean, it's justified, because you can just tell by looking at her that this chick knows some ish. 

It's here that she meets Mako, a plucky young girl who is super friendly and weird, but proves time and time again that not only is she a true friend but she will go out of her way to help someone out. 

I mean, I'm not kidding. Girl is weird as sh*t. But in a good way. 

This is how everyone gets ready for school, no?

Fortunately for me, I've learned that you should always wear your sexy panties. You never know when this could happen to you. 

Finally Ryuko comes across a uniform that was made by her father called a Kamui, that uses life fibers to enhance one's own powers as well as give them incredible ass kicking powers themselves. 

And who happens to be the one that is willing to tell her the most about her Kamui and her deceased father? Well none other than the pervy, secretly handsome homeroom teacher. 

Luckily, she's got Mako to keep her sane in the mean time right? Well maybe not, but she does house Ryuko, which is probably more helpful anyways. 

Who should challenge Ryoko, if not the captain of the tennis team. Scary, right? 

Comin' in clutch. Defending the bestie. 

And here, we learned that in order to unleash all the powers of a Kamui, you need to be chill getting almost completely naked, luckily no one there is chubby or ashamed of their bod. 

I kind of want a watch like that, like for real. Can someone give me one?

This is pretty much the lowdown of what happens to Ryuko every time she gives her uniform her blood and it gives her power. 

Now, obviously, I did miss some key elements in my recap of what I've seen. But that would spoil it too much for the people. And I only give out spoilers once I finish a show. On a more serious note, this show is still keeping my interest, so I'm definitely going to see this to fruition. 

Andi's Corner: Sword Art Online II Review

About a week ago I finally finished watching SAO II, and even though it's been a long time coming, I wasn't exactly totally jazzed up about this new season. I knew that I would eventually end up finishing the show before the third season inevitably came back, but I didn't know how soon it would be.

Let's just say I wasn't the biggest fan of GGO, for a couple of reasons. First of all, I was excited because there was another bad ass girl in the mix, Sinon, she was calm, cool and collected on top of being an expert sniper. Even though she may have had issues with guns in real life, I thought it would've been fine if she had been able to forget her troubles while in game, BUT NO. She like every other female character had to have a break down in Kirito's arms so that he could console her and eventually take out all her enemies, in the game and real life. Kind of bogus if you ask me. Also, was it really necessary to make her also fall in love with Kirito also?? He does not need yet another lady fawning over him, but that's just my opinion, I'm sure there are tons of people that would disagree with me, but I'm still gonna say it.

Another thing I wasn't a huge fan of was that he still got to freakin' use a sword. It was Guns Gale Online.... what part of that says let Kirito use a sword? But of course, he did it anyways, because Kirito does what he wants.

Other than those two things, the storyline wasn't terrible, but those two aspects did really bother me which made it hard to watch, but nonetheless, I powered through.

Also, I totally called that Sinon's friend was going to be part of the bad guys' team. He didn't have to be such a creep though. That face gave me nightmares. Not cool SAO.

The main reason that I wanted to power through was because I got a tip from the BF that the last half of the season was much better than the first. And let me just say I was not disappointed.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about them going back to ALO, just because I kind of felt like it was been there done that, but then I realized that they didn't really all get a chance to enjoy ALO, like definitely not Asuna and Kirito.

And even though the start of this arc was a little rocky, I wasn't so into the mission to find excalibar, mainly because I did not like that Asuna was the support character, but boy did that turn around when the second part of the arc really got started. When Yuuki came on the scene as the bad ass super powerful player in ALO who was challenging anyone and everyone in the game that would fight her. Until the day that Asuna challenged her, and before she got defeated, Yuuki decided that she wanted Asuna to be a part of her guild, which was pretty awesome, mainly because she passed over Kirito to end up picking Asuna.

I know that it sounds like I totally hate Kirito as a character, but I really don't, I just don't think he's worth the hype. He doesn't need all those women fawning over him, I really like his and Asuna's relationship because they both try not to hide everything that they're doing from each other, I know that there are things they don't tell each other, but at least they acknowledge that they won't be telling each other that part of what they're doing. Anyways, I digress.

When Asuna asked Yuuki why she didn't end up picking Kirito, I was definitely curious to learn the answer, because all things aside, he is an amazing fighter, and clearly Yuuki wasn't looking for someone to beat her, she just wanted someone that was very powerful that would be able to help out her guild. And her explanation was definitely a little eerie, "because he found out my secret."

I immediately wanted to know what the secret was, but of course, I wouldn't find that out till the end, because what would any good show be if they just gave me what I wanted and then continued on with the story?

Also, can I just say that it was totally cool when Kirito came in to defend off the mobs so that Yuuki, Asuna and the others could take on the boss?? Oh yeah, and Klein too, he was there. Even though it was definitely an amazing battle, watching them defeat the final boss, the real storyline finally came to a head when we found out Yuuki's secret, she had a terminal illness and was being allowed to play ALO through a virtual machine that was set up by her doctors.

My heart melted when Asuna found out she was dying and wanted to help her out by having Kirito create a virtual machine that could help Yuuki travel around with the help of Asuna.

But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, because as time went on Yuuki's condition got worse, as she expected. And myself, along with everyone else got the feels when she eventually died in Asuna's arms, but there was a small glimmer of light, because she did at least get to be surrounded by all of her friends.

Even though I didn't entirely love the whole show, there were definitely parts of the season that were worth watching. It's still a pretty good show and I would recommend it to any one who watched and liked the first season, or who just likes good anime in general.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weekly Update

So a lot of good stuff has been going on this week and I thought I'd share with you all what I've been watching, reading, or gaming this week.

Let's get all of the Fairy Tail out of the way cause there has been quite a lot going on in the world of Fairy Tail over the past week.

Fairy Tail Chapter 421

Fairy Tail Zero Chapter 8

Fairy Tail Episode 221

Fairy Tail episodes 165-175 dubbed

Yona of the Dawn Episode 21

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask

League of Legends

I know this game really isn't that new, but I recently got back into it and I'm totally loving it again! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Andi's Corner: Fairy Tail Zero Ch. 8

The most recent chapter of Fairy Tail Zero came out the other day and may I just say, this manga is really staring to get good. At fist I wasn't entirely sure about Mavis' power because everyone could see right through it, but once her and her comrades met up with Zeref, she got infinitely better with her powers as we got to see in this month's chapter. So ... here's the highlights!

Can we talk about Yuri's stupid face? I could not stop laughing. Also, I know that I've met Precht in different circumstances and do happen to know that he's pretty evil, but I didn't trust him from the moment I saw him. 

What even is Mavis' friends power again? I keep forgetting... she's kind of easy to forget. 

This guy though, lookin' crazy. But I do totally respect that Mavis and friends are getting all sneaky so that they can take down an evil dude. Especially someone who wears those freaky goggles. I feel like he kind of deserves it. 

No shoes? I mean ... is that a wise choice? I guess I'll let it slide since she's trying to be all bad ass with her speech and what not, but still, put on some damn shoes. Okay, I'm done. 

Her powers have gotten sooo much better and she's definitely a baller now. 

This guy though. Tryna act like he's got the upper hand. You don't even know brah. 

See! look at that! Frickin' caged! You mad bro?

Someone thinks they're cool, I mean I guess they are, they learned pretty awesome magic from Zeref. So they've earned this bad ass moment. 

He's gonna touch the butt! For real, what's gonna happen?!?! Can't wait till next month to find out! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sailor Moon Episode 16

This past Saturday we were graced with another episode of Sailor Moon Crystal and as per usual, I loved it! I think that Ami definitely doesn't get enough time to fight in the episodes because she's generally the brain of the group, but not only is she very powerful, but also her power is so graceful and beautiful.

These boss ass bitches get to make an appearance this arc and they are looking better than ever. Sadly, this time around since they are trying to go along with the manga a little more, each time a sister is defeated, she dies instead of disassociating themselves with the negamoon. 

This time around, Ami is challenged by another one of the Ayakashi sisters, Berthier, who definitely knows how to throw down a challenge. Because whenever I think major challenge, I know I want to challenge my archenemy to a rousing game of chess. 

I dare you to tell me you didn't get the feels for tiny Ami when Berthier made her think back to her dad leaving her. That was some serious heavy stuff to bring out in a chess game. My heart broke for her, but the good news is that she has new amazing friends who are always there for her when she needed it to reaffirm her faith in her own strength. 

Ultimately, the fight between the two water/ice women ensues and does not disappoint. But, Rebeus was once again there to steal another sailor scout ... Not cool brah, that's kidnapping, they're 14. 

What do you think is going to happen next week? Are they going to get Rei and Ami back? Or will Mako be next to be kidnapped by the Black Moon Clan??

Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Certain Scientific Railgun

A Certain Scientific Railgun is definitely one of the better spin offs that I've ever seen/ read in my time. I say this because a show actually finally picked a character that not only was very strong, but who also had an interesting enough story line to stand on its own. I definitely do think that Railgun could stand alone and is definitely a show that you could watch without needing to see A Certain Magical Index.

I have started this show twice, once, I watched the first two episodes and was put off by Kuroko Shirai and her weirdness, but eventually I was able to overcome it and power through the show, and I'm definitely glad that I did because I really do like it.

It definitely starts out a little slow since they're just trying to introduce all these characters that were either not shown in Index, or were not as prominent as say Kamijo and Index. But from there it does manage to pick up, coming up with story lines that lie parallel to Kamijo's story from Index.

Speaking of Kamijo, I did think it was kind of funny that they managed to make him look like just a totally casual dude who never really does anything of note until the final arc. The same thing kind of happened to Misaka in Index, but she gave off such an attitude that you could tell she wasn't just a casual human, not to mention she's ranked third among all the espers... so I would think that she wouldn't just sit around and do nothing.

Also, let's just talk about how cool it is that this show has a main character that is not only a female, but is also super OP. That really doesn't happen that much, normally the girls start out as weak and then get much stronger, or they start out as super strong but then they show that they have a weakness. And while Misaka does definitely show weakness, there is never a point where her own weakness paralyzes her so much that she can't go on. And I'm a huge fan of that.

Relatable content: don't mess with a sister's eyebrows. Like, what even was that first arc, a girl went on a date with a jerk who thought her brows looked a little wonky and laughed at her?? Then she made it her mission to ruin the eyebrows of pretty girls everywhere... totally casual right? Maybe this is the reason that there are so many eyebrow tutorials on youtube, so that we can stop this kind of disaster, one janky set of brows at a time. Also, it was totally not fair, at least Miho had her jacked up bangs to cover her brows, but what about Saten and Mitsuko? How long did they have to deal with that crap??

Another thing that this show did well was address people who were low level or even level zero espers and their want to gain more power. It was one of those things that I didn't necessarily think about all too much, I mean it did cross my mind occasionally, but not a lot. But when it was brought up as like a serious thing that people were doing until they passed out into a coma, I was like, man, I'm glad they talked about this, because there's no way that no one in this whole town was trying to increase levels so that they could move up in ranks. And I totally related with Saten's efforts to gain powers because she was a level zero. Also, I'm a little salty that no one slapped the stupid mug right off that crazy ho... they were just like, 'oh, she's suffered a lot', she's been punished enough.

Definitely throughout the whole show my favorite arc was the sisters arc. I liked how it showed the other side what went down in Index and even though I didn't think that it was that incomplete in Kamijo's version of the story, getting to see the same events play out in Railgun, I got the feels for Accelerator because I don't think his story was properly explained in Index until the very end, but in Railgun, we got to see even more of the story and he has a tragically troubled past. I feel for him. And I'm glad he finally get's Last Order to forever be his new bestie. They're perfect. And she totally makes him a bearable character.

Overall I'd rate this show 4.5 out of 5. It has good action, character development, and writing. My favorite ship throughout the anime: Misaka x Kamijo. Favorite arc: Sisters arc. Favorite character: Frenda... I don't know why though.

But yeah, watch this if you haven't. Or if you have. It's a fun time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015