Thursday, February 26, 2015

Andi's Corner: Sword Art Online II Review

About a week ago I finally finished watching SAO II, and even though it's been a long time coming, I wasn't exactly totally jazzed up about this new season. I knew that I would eventually end up finishing the show before the third season inevitably came back, but I didn't know how soon it would be.

Let's just say I wasn't the biggest fan of GGO, for a couple of reasons. First of all, I was excited because there was another bad ass girl in the mix, Sinon, she was calm, cool and collected on top of being an expert sniper. Even though she may have had issues with guns in real life, I thought it would've been fine if she had been able to forget her troubles while in game, BUT NO. She like every other female character had to have a break down in Kirito's arms so that he could console her and eventually take out all her enemies, in the game and real life. Kind of bogus if you ask me. Also, was it really necessary to make her also fall in love with Kirito also?? He does not need yet another lady fawning over him, but that's just my opinion, I'm sure there are tons of people that would disagree with me, but I'm still gonna say it.

Another thing I wasn't a huge fan of was that he still got to freakin' use a sword. It was Guns Gale Online.... what part of that says let Kirito use a sword? But of course, he did it anyways, because Kirito does what he wants.

Other than those two things, the storyline wasn't terrible, but those two aspects did really bother me which made it hard to watch, but nonetheless, I powered through.

Also, I totally called that Sinon's friend was going to be part of the bad guys' team. He didn't have to be such a creep though. That face gave me nightmares. Not cool SAO.

The main reason that I wanted to power through was because I got a tip from the BF that the last half of the season was much better than the first. And let me just say I was not disappointed.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about them going back to ALO, just because I kind of felt like it was been there done that, but then I realized that they didn't really all get a chance to enjoy ALO, like definitely not Asuna and Kirito.

And even though the start of this arc was a little rocky, I wasn't so into the mission to find excalibar, mainly because I did not like that Asuna was the support character, but boy did that turn around when the second part of the arc really got started. When Yuuki came on the scene as the bad ass super powerful player in ALO who was challenging anyone and everyone in the game that would fight her. Until the day that Asuna challenged her, and before she got defeated, Yuuki decided that she wanted Asuna to be a part of her guild, which was pretty awesome, mainly because she passed over Kirito to end up picking Asuna.

I know that it sounds like I totally hate Kirito as a character, but I really don't, I just don't think he's worth the hype. He doesn't need all those women fawning over him, I really like his and Asuna's relationship because they both try not to hide everything that they're doing from each other, I know that there are things they don't tell each other, but at least they acknowledge that they won't be telling each other that part of what they're doing. Anyways, I digress.

When Asuna asked Yuuki why she didn't end up picking Kirito, I was definitely curious to learn the answer, because all things aside, he is an amazing fighter, and clearly Yuuki wasn't looking for someone to beat her, she just wanted someone that was very powerful that would be able to help out her guild. And her explanation was definitely a little eerie, "because he found out my secret."

I immediately wanted to know what the secret was, but of course, I wouldn't find that out till the end, because what would any good show be if they just gave me what I wanted and then continued on with the story?

Also, can I just say that it was totally cool when Kirito came in to defend off the mobs so that Yuuki, Asuna and the others could take on the boss?? Oh yeah, and Klein too, he was there. Even though it was definitely an amazing battle, watching them defeat the final boss, the real storyline finally came to a head when we found out Yuuki's secret, she had a terminal illness and was being allowed to play ALO through a virtual machine that was set up by her doctors.

My heart melted when Asuna found out she was dying and wanted to help her out by having Kirito create a virtual machine that could help Yuuki travel around with the help of Asuna.

But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, because as time went on Yuuki's condition got worse, as she expected. And myself, along with everyone else got the feels when she eventually died in Asuna's arms, but there was a small glimmer of light, because she did at least get to be surrounded by all of her friends.

Even though I didn't entirely love the whole show, there were definitely parts of the season that were worth watching. It's still a pretty good show and I would recommend it to any one who watched and liked the first season, or who just likes good anime in general.

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