Monday, February 23, 2015

Andi's Corner: Fairy Tail Zero Ch. 8

The most recent chapter of Fairy Tail Zero came out the other day and may I just say, this manga is really staring to get good. At fist I wasn't entirely sure about Mavis' power because everyone could see right through it, but once her and her comrades met up with Zeref, she got infinitely better with her powers as we got to see in this month's chapter. So ... here's the highlights!

Can we talk about Yuri's stupid face? I could not stop laughing. Also, I know that I've met Precht in different circumstances and do happen to know that he's pretty evil, but I didn't trust him from the moment I saw him. 

What even is Mavis' friends power again? I keep forgetting... she's kind of easy to forget. 

This guy though, lookin' crazy. But I do totally respect that Mavis and friends are getting all sneaky so that they can take down an evil dude. Especially someone who wears those freaky goggles. I feel like he kind of deserves it. 

No shoes? I mean ... is that a wise choice? I guess I'll let it slide since she's trying to be all bad ass with her speech and what not, but still, put on some damn shoes. Okay, I'm done. 

Her powers have gotten sooo much better and she's definitely a baller now. 

This guy though. Tryna act like he's got the upper hand. You don't even know brah. 

See! look at that! Frickin' caged! You mad bro?

Someone thinks they're cool, I mean I guess they are, they learned pretty awesome magic from Zeref. So they've earned this bad ass moment. 

He's gonna touch the butt! For real, what's gonna happen?!?! Can't wait till next month to find out! 

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