Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Yona Of The Dawn Dub!

Yona of the Dawn dub comes out today!!! Granted it's just season two for now, which is weird, but I'll take what I can get because I love this show!

It happens today!! Get excited you guys!! Let's all watch it together!

What shows are you excited about? Let us know in the comments!! If you're curious about the dub cast look here.

Discussion on the choices for the dub cast are forth coming.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Manga Monday: Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

Probably three months ago I started reading Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari on the recommendation of the boyf, and it's honestly not bad. I feel like lately there are a lot mangas and animes about people getting trapped in game. It's taking over my life. 

Since there's not that many chapters out as it's fairly new, I wont spoil too much and will just tell you that you should really read it. I'm really not that much of a manga reader and I really enjoy this one. 

Check it out! Got any manga recommendations? Leave them down in the comments!!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Replaying Majora's Mask

This week on Throwback Thursday we're going to be talking about Majora's Mask, I still have it for Nintendo 64, but I did recently buy it for 3DS, you know, in case anything has changed. 

With the recent revival of Majora's Mask for the 3DS I was reminded of how utterly terrifying this game is. Remember when you turned into this guy??

Besides that every mission is freakin' timed. I mean, I still play the game, but this one is rather annoying, because along with being pretty confusing for children along with the average Zelda game, it could also scare the crap out of someone. Still though, play it if you haven't. 

What games did you used to play as a child? Let us know in the comments below. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What The Frick Wednesday

What the frick man?? Just... what the frick?! I really thought that Gray and Juvia were together. I'm actually really upset that she was alone, mainly because she could've been with Lucy at least, or temporarily joined another guild right?!?! It makes me wonder if Gray said something to her. But to this I say, what the frick?!?!

Taco Tuesday: Celestial Method

This week I finished watching Celestial Method, so I thought I would share my thoughts on it with you all because I was really entertained by this show.

It's such an adorable story but when you really get to the heart of it all it really makes you think and you realize that there are real issues happening here, which is sometimes hard to realize when you're watching anime's about kids in middle school. Celestial Method was able to turn that on it's head and not only make you think really deeply about this show, but also make your emotions run rampant.

The basic premise of the show is a young girl name Nonoka and her family used to live in Lake Kiriya until they had to move away, when she was seven, so that her mother could receive medical treatment for a life threatening illness. After her mother had passed away both Nonoka and her father returned to Lake Kiriya, unfortunately Nonoka had put all of her past memories behind her because she didn't like to think back on unpleasant times. 

After she returns she is reunited with her childhood friends, Yuzuki, Koharu, Shione, and Sota who although they remember her, she is not certain who they are at first glance, and some, Shione, still harbor disillusioned ill will towards her.

After Nonoka is reunited with Noel, her childhood friend who has mysteriously not aged after seven years, we later find out that she is sort of an alien, and all of Nonoka's memories come flooding back, her memories of her mother, her friends, meeting Shione, and even when the five of them had attempted to summon a saucer to make their deepest wish come true. 

Though there are some mishaps along the way, Nonoka and her friends finally learned the secret behind Noel's presence, that she is the saucer that has formed in the sky, and she is only there until all five of them can reunite and be happy together. 

That does not sit well with Shione, who is the first to figure it out, and after spending just about the entire anime before she did end up making up with Nonoka, only to push her away again, so that they would not lose Noel. However, once she shares this truth with the rest of the group, they all decide that it's not fair for one person to have to bare the burden of leaving the group, so they all act coldly towards one another. 

Every one in the group cannot help but adore Noel, and none of them wanted her to disappear after granting their wish, but unfortunately there is nothing they can do to stop it. And when they do finally realize that what Noel wants is to grant their wish, they all meet up again one last time so that they can see Noel off with a smile. 

On a side note, can we all just look at how adorable Noel is?

If you're on the fence about this show, I recommend it even if it's just to see Noel get into her adorable mischief. Worth it. 

Get ready to turn on the feels for the ending of Celestial Method, because it is a real tear jerker. It wasn't clear just how close these friends were and exactly how deeply they cared for each other until they dove into each other's past, and the true reasons why they all decided to summon the saucer in the first place.

For some reason, I was convinced that the show was over once Noel disappeared. Boy was I wrong, there was way more show. I was definitely a little put off by the last few episodes at first because I was not a fan of there just never being a saucer in the first place. It started out with Nonoka and her father returning to Lake Kiriya, but there was no saucer, and Nonoka appears to be the only one with any memory of Noel, but the idea of Noel left a sinking feeling in the hearts of all her friends. 

Just when Nonaka thinks all hope is lost Shione comes back into town and tells Nonoka that she too remembers Noel. So with nothing but hope and the clothes on their back these two besties set out to bring back Noel, luckily, the remaining three oblivious friends start to remember Noel just as she returns to them after they re-summon the saucer. 

I'd say my overall thoughts on the  show is that it is definitely a worthwhile watch if you're looking for a feel good show. The premise of the show can be a bit juvenile at times, however if you've been watching a string of serious or intense anime's, this is definitely one that you can add in there that will lift your spirits up. And it's definitely not too long at only thirteen episodes. Give this a watch! It gets the Andi-bun stamp of approval!

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Couple of the Week

So we're going to start off this brand new series of "The Couple of the Week" with a no brainer.

Natsu x Lucy : Fairy Tail

Sorry NaLi and Nerza fans. I LOVE this couple and cannot get enough of them, I know they're not together yet, but it's only a matter of time, they're freakin cute together and there's nothing you can say that will stop me from thinking that. To prove how cute they are to everyone, the believers and the non believers, please enjoy these screen shots of the cutest couple in Fairy Tail. 

Not only do these two have a solid friendship but they genuinely trust and respect each other. They have probably the most Fairy Tail pride out of the guild and are not afraid to show it, and their undying loyalty will power them through until the end. 

These two have been through so much together that they both know just how to make the other feel better which is very important in any good relationship, so of course they will be together forever. 

Neither of them is afraid to be who they truly are in front of each other, and not to mention they still care for each other even after they know most of their secrets. 

Another thing, they are both sturdy as hell, I'm pretty sure Lucy has won tons of brownie points in the eyes of Natsu because of her ability to take  a hit and keep on going. Even when Lucy runs out of magic she is not so quick to get up, the hope is strong in this one. 

Also,  all things aside, was ANYBODY else going to catch him? Natsu was about to plummet to his death and everyone but Lucy just stood there and watched it happen, I know you're tired, they were all tired, but homeboy was about to kick it. Yet another reason why Nerza would never work, she didn't catch him. Not to mention THEY are the brother/sister relationship, not NaLu. 

They always go into battle together and I love it, I just really wish that Lucy had a spirit that could use fire so that she could unison raid with him, wouldn't that be awesome?? Answer: yes, yes it would. 

This scene destroyed my tear ducts, we finally got to see exactly to what extent Natsu truly cares for Lucy and it was amazing, but truly sad at the same time. No one should have to see their lady love die right in front of their very eyes. 

Not to mention that these two have both changed each other for the better, Lucy, though she didn't know it really did help Natsu to grow as a wizard, because it wasn't until she joined Fairy Tail that Natsu was truly seen as a major player. It was definitely because she always believed in him, and he gained strength from being in her presence. 

As far as Lucy, she really transformed as not only a wizard as her power began to grow, but as a person. She learned to put your friends above all else and keep fighting until you win, which is definitely something that she already had, but through meeting Natsu that fire was mega ignited and I love it. 

The only way that they can work on their relationship, in my eyes, is that I want Natsu to realize that he needs to realize that he doesn't have to do everything on his own. It's okay to ask from help, and Lucy is more than willing to help him out, and her power is better than ever, am I right?? Those of you who read the most recent chapters! 

Even with that flaw aside, they belong together, and I will not rest until it happens! NaLu for life!!

Friday, March 6, 2015

What Am I Watching? Anime of the Week

Celestial Method

I started watching Celestial Method a while ago and honestly stopped because it stopped showing up on the home page of Crunchyroll, so I kind of forgot about it until this week. Oops!

Kill la Kill

I have definitely been meaning to watch this show forever and I just now got around to it.

Now, these next three, I just watch the weekly episode every week, so these will probably always be on my anime of the week. Don't hate, appreciate!

Yona of the Dawn

Fairy Tail

Yowamushi Pedal