Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Taco Tuesday: Celestial Method

This week I finished watching Celestial Method, so I thought I would share my thoughts on it with you all because I was really entertained by this show.

It's such an adorable story but when you really get to the heart of it all it really makes you think and you realize that there are real issues happening here, which is sometimes hard to realize when you're watching anime's about kids in middle school. Celestial Method was able to turn that on it's head and not only make you think really deeply about this show, but also make your emotions run rampant.

The basic premise of the show is a young girl name Nonoka and her family used to live in Lake Kiriya until they had to move away, when she was seven, so that her mother could receive medical treatment for a life threatening illness. After her mother had passed away both Nonoka and her father returned to Lake Kiriya, unfortunately Nonoka had put all of her past memories behind her because she didn't like to think back on unpleasant times. 

After she returns she is reunited with her childhood friends, Yuzuki, Koharu, Shione, and Sota who although they remember her, she is not certain who they are at first glance, and some, Shione, still harbor disillusioned ill will towards her.

After Nonoka is reunited with Noel, her childhood friend who has mysteriously not aged after seven years, we later find out that she is sort of an alien, and all of Nonoka's memories come flooding back, her memories of her mother, her friends, meeting Shione, and even when the five of them had attempted to summon a saucer to make their deepest wish come true. 

Though there are some mishaps along the way, Nonoka and her friends finally learned the secret behind Noel's presence, that she is the saucer that has formed in the sky, and she is only there until all five of them can reunite and be happy together. 

That does not sit well with Shione, who is the first to figure it out, and after spending just about the entire anime before she did end up making up with Nonoka, only to push her away again, so that they would not lose Noel. However, once she shares this truth with the rest of the group, they all decide that it's not fair for one person to have to bare the burden of leaving the group, so they all act coldly towards one another. 

Every one in the group cannot help but adore Noel, and none of them wanted her to disappear after granting their wish, but unfortunately there is nothing they can do to stop it. And when they do finally realize that what Noel wants is to grant their wish, they all meet up again one last time so that they can see Noel off with a smile. 

On a side note, can we all just look at how adorable Noel is?

If you're on the fence about this show, I recommend it even if it's just to see Noel get into her adorable mischief. Worth it. 

Get ready to turn on the feels for the ending of Celestial Method, because it is a real tear jerker. It wasn't clear just how close these friends were and exactly how deeply they cared for each other until they dove into each other's past, and the true reasons why they all decided to summon the saucer in the first place.

For some reason, I was convinced that the show was over once Noel disappeared. Boy was I wrong, there was way more show. I was definitely a little put off by the last few episodes at first because I was not a fan of there just never being a saucer in the first place. It started out with Nonoka and her father returning to Lake Kiriya, but there was no saucer, and Nonoka appears to be the only one with any memory of Noel, but the idea of Noel left a sinking feeling in the hearts of all her friends. 

Just when Nonaka thinks all hope is lost Shione comes back into town and tells Nonoka that she too remembers Noel. So with nothing but hope and the clothes on their back these two besties set out to bring back Noel, luckily, the remaining three oblivious friends start to remember Noel just as she returns to them after they re-summon the saucer. 

I'd say my overall thoughts on the  show is that it is definitely a worthwhile watch if you're looking for a feel good show. The premise of the show can be a bit juvenile at times, however if you've been watching a string of serious or intense anime's, this is definitely one that you can add in there that will lift your spirits up. And it's definitely not too long at only thirteen episodes. Give this a watch! It gets the Andi-bun stamp of approval!

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