Monday, March 9, 2015

The Couple of the Week

So we're going to start off this brand new series of "The Couple of the Week" with a no brainer.

Natsu x Lucy : Fairy Tail

Sorry NaLi and Nerza fans. I LOVE this couple and cannot get enough of them, I know they're not together yet, but it's only a matter of time, they're freakin cute together and there's nothing you can say that will stop me from thinking that. To prove how cute they are to everyone, the believers and the non believers, please enjoy these screen shots of the cutest couple in Fairy Tail. 

Not only do these two have a solid friendship but they genuinely trust and respect each other. They have probably the most Fairy Tail pride out of the guild and are not afraid to show it, and their undying loyalty will power them through until the end. 

These two have been through so much together that they both know just how to make the other feel better which is very important in any good relationship, so of course they will be together forever. 

Neither of them is afraid to be who they truly are in front of each other, and not to mention they still care for each other even after they know most of their secrets. 

Another thing, they are both sturdy as hell, I'm pretty sure Lucy has won tons of brownie points in the eyes of Natsu because of her ability to take  a hit and keep on going. Even when Lucy runs out of magic she is not so quick to get up, the hope is strong in this one. 

Also,  all things aside, was ANYBODY else going to catch him? Natsu was about to plummet to his death and everyone but Lucy just stood there and watched it happen, I know you're tired, they were all tired, but homeboy was about to kick it. Yet another reason why Nerza would never work, she didn't catch him. Not to mention THEY are the brother/sister relationship, not NaLu. 

They always go into battle together and I love it, I just really wish that Lucy had a spirit that could use fire so that she could unison raid with him, wouldn't that be awesome?? Answer: yes, yes it would. 

This scene destroyed my tear ducts, we finally got to see exactly to what extent Natsu truly cares for Lucy and it was amazing, but truly sad at the same time. No one should have to see their lady love die right in front of their very eyes. 

Not to mention that these two have both changed each other for the better, Lucy, though she didn't know it really did help Natsu to grow as a wizard, because it wasn't until she joined Fairy Tail that Natsu was truly seen as a major player. It was definitely because she always believed in him, and he gained strength from being in her presence. 

As far as Lucy, she really transformed as not only a wizard as her power began to grow, but as a person. She learned to put your friends above all else and keep fighting until you win, which is definitely something that she already had, but through meeting Natsu that fire was mega ignited and I love it. 

The only way that they can work on their relationship, in my eyes, is that I want Natsu to realize that he needs to realize that he doesn't have to do everything on his own. It's okay to ask from help, and Lucy is more than willing to help him out, and her power is better than ever, am I right?? Those of you who read the most recent chapters! 

Even with that flaw aside, they belong together, and I will not rest until it happens! NaLu for life!!

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