Monday, November 10, 2014

New Fairy Tail Alert!

I wake up this morning at my leisure only to find an email from one Manga Panda, which is excellent news for me because they only ever email me for one thing... MOTHAHUMPING FAIRY TAIL! You could say I was slightly more than excited.

But anywhose, let's start talkin bout this ish!

PS, this is full of spoilers... so if you haven't read it, read it. That's all I got.

Can we just take a second here and all say "FINALLY!" Like dude, Gray has had this super awesome upgrade for I don't even know how many chapters and has only gotten to use it once.... I know that like every new chapter Mashima decides to go back like 20 minutes so that he can talk about another character and the hardships their facing, but I pretty much only wanna see Gray and Lucy kick ass right now... cause I know that Lucy's power up is still there because it's not fair to make her destroy her favorite key and only get like one water bearer attack one time, no, just, no. So let's just cut to the chase, have Lucy and Gray team up and Natsu can pull a Lucy and watch in the corner until the precise time where only he can help, amirighttho?? Nah, no one but me would be happy to see that, unfortunately. 

Is it just me or do you constantly find yourself saying, wait, why the f*ck are Sting and Rogue here, like what have they added really?? They acknowledged that Natsu has no fear which we all know after seeing him go up against countless bosses and barely showing any fear until Tenrou Island, but they haven't really helped Natsu's fighting in anyway, but then again I always feel like no one really helps Natsu, everyone just kind throws little baby hits until Natsu finally comes in and is like "okay noobs, time to let big papa handle the real fight." 

This bitch, aka guy I never really cared about cause I just wrote him off as an asshole from the moment I laid eyes on him, but he makes his return. Can I just say, Lovin the hair/beard/necklace combo. Really, yah've never looked better. 

Where did you even get the idea that you're the king of the underworld? Who told you, you could do that?? Def not The Mard Geer! So sit down son! 

I kind of had a feeling that THE Mard Geer was holding back, TEACH THEM A LESSON YOU SMUG BASTARD! Also, nice pecs. 

Yeah buddy, we got the bros back in action. I'm sure Happy, Lucy, Erza, and Wendy will find their way over here to watch the fight so that Natsu can be at his most powerful when he fights around friends. Since you most definitely can't tell, I'm still very salty that Lisanna said that to Lucy in the Tenrou arc as if freaking telling Lucy that Natsu gets real strong when he has his friends with him is some sort of huge secret that no one know. Everybody knows that Lisanna, go sit down. 

Overall, I like that this chapter finally let Gray be a mini badass, but I wish that there could've been more. I don't know if it's just me but I feel like lately these chapters have felt like they haven't really finished any sort of thoughts in them and you have to wait like 5 more chapters just to finally have one teeny tiny section completed. I do really wanna see The Mard Geer finally get taken down, but mostly I'm wondering what the hell is gonna happen with Mavis, is anyone gonna get her some clothes so she's no longer naked? Is she gonna take out face?? Will she hug Zeref??? All of these are important questions that remain unanswered. 

Now, normally I would make some sort of prediction for either the next chapter or how I think the arc is going to end, but every time I come up with one that I think is super clever and could actually work, that damned Mashima throws a wrench in my plans and makes my entire theory impossible because of one teensy detail. And I get pissed off. That ain't cool Mashima, stop going rogue and read the like 50,000 letters I've sent you with suggestions on how I think next weeks Fairy Tail should go!

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